What Is It? A special feature that appeared ONLY in Yuu Watase’s Perfect World, the serialized manga magazine that runs both new chapters of Genbu Kaiden and “reruns” of the original Fushigi Yuugi.
Who's It Feature? Just Tasuki and Chichiri for the moment, but if I keep working on the translation then the Genbu seishi should start showing up as
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Comments 12
They're $12 a piece with shipping at about $11, but the shipping is flat-rate so you're much better off buying a few volumes at once (I tend to wait until a couple are out and then pick them up at the same time).
Umm, but a little of it was hard to read because of the size of the image. Am I just being an idiot and there's something you click to make it larger? -.-
Anyway, thanks again, and I'd love to know what happens in this ^-^ It sounds like so much fun.
Here are links to the full-size versions:
Some of the stuff is a little small, I admit. I'd like to go back and figure out a way to make it more legible. If you can't read something, let me know and I'll write it in here.
Thank you! :D
Hmm.. The "Wah" at the end really intrigues me ^-^
I've always wondered what the cover image I'd seen floating around - of Tasuki looking all enthusastic with some less than psyched Genbu seishi in the background - was from. I knew it must be some kind of Perfect World goodie, but with no info and somewhat less than an ability to read Japanese, I left it at that. SO. YOU. AWESOME.
Actually, reading your translation notes was really interesting at all. I don't pretend to have that kind of fluency in any language other than English (my Spanish is good, but not fabulous), so I'm always fascinated to see someone who has that kind of ability explain their work a little. Sweeeeeeet!
LOLZ @ Tasuki. "I don't know much about people from 200 years ago!" Shame, shame, shame.
Uh, that sounds almost insulting. I guess typing fast will do that. I meant 'as well' not 'at all.' I'm disappointed in you, typing fingers.
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