May 5th had a Relay for Life event sponsored by the American Cancer Society, located at Shea Stadium. Those in attendance included:
jbadger, and
Our changing area had a bit of a double-edge to it, it was a great looking suite/skybox on the fourth floor of the stadium. However, it soon became apparent that getting in was going to be a problem - we couldn't hold the key so everytime we didn't to switch off there'd be the issue of tracking down the one security officer holding the key.
The actual relay part of the event was fairly minor, most of us went around the track (which was the outside ring of the field) a couple times (though, the size of the stadium is huge so it was a bit of a walk in fairly warm weather). The majority of our time was spent in the caged off picnic area, which went very well overall. Most of the kids and adults loved our presence. Having only one or two handlers on hand at any one time was not too big of an issue (though later on during the day some of the kids did get a bit rowdy).
Unfortunately did not get to see
Mr. Met for very long. His appearance was fairly brief, some interaction with the people then just a round around the relay, and then he vanished soon after.
The event (at least on our end) lasted from about 2pm to 8pm.
Above pictures taken from Morton's camera.
May 6th had another sort of charity walk, the MS Walk sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, held at the Culinary Institue of America in Hyde Park, NY. Those in attendance included: fursuiters -
grizz593, Grizz Jr (aka Little Bear), and
renegadehusky. Our handlers included:
alias_pup and Grizz's wife. Our changing area turned out to be a restroom on the lower floor, which was supposed to be private and have a lock on the inside - didn't quite fit the bill for either of those... might've annoyed some folks by keeping guard while each of us changed.
There seemed to be a large turnout for this event but once we got on the walk (which is about a mile long path around the campus) it became clear there'd be a lot of gaps (seemed like we'd run into a large group of walkers then have a large stretch of just us being on the path). There were a lot of scenic spots which some of us suiters may want to revisit somewhere down the road. Well... the walk itself we ended up only making it once around the campus (and we kinda cheated by taking a shortcut as well... a few kids noticed :P ). Though for this event everyone had the option of doing the walk as either a one, three, or five mile stretch.
Most of the action was happening back at the open court, so once we made it back from our 'shortened' walk we stuck around there. There were a bunch of drum sets set up for kids to use, though you can imagine the damage to our hearing once we got a hold of that stuff ^.^;;;
Our group went over very well at this event, a few screamers in the ranks of kids but overall not so bad. Grizz Jr. seemed to do the best out of all of us, not to mention how he can run in suit when being chased by other kids :P
Above pictures were taken by Alias Pup.