Hey Maus! Remember me? I was one of the guys that used to hang out with you from time to time when you lived down in kansas city! I just wanted to let you know that you are missed around here, and that things (especially the meets) just aren't the same without you there. I hope you're having a good time!
Totally RandomklawzieJanuary 22 2005, 08:36:40 UTC
Unable to sleep, so I started poking LJ and looked at my LJ Info for the first time in whoknowshowlong and noticed your name. Man - we have a lot in common, based on the LJ groups you're in. ;D
Do I know you from somewhere in specific (or maybe in real life? I dunno if you're a friend of Chris's... I'd give a last name, but he'd probably rather not. o.o ) - or something? :D We're in some of the same LJ groups too...
And, ho ho! while I have your attention, you wouldn't happen to know of anyone in the SD area looking for a public relations intern, would'ja? (Shot in the dark, but, hey - I desperately want to get down to San Diego asap.)
Will look forward to poking at your LJ in those rare moments I actually, y'know, read more than two or three user LJs instead of community LJs. >_< (Also, sorry for any incoherantness, it's 2:30am at the moment. :) )
Re: Totally RandomfurrymouseJanuary 22 2005, 18:35:40 UTC
Hmmm, for looking into that, I suggest checking out http://sandiego.craigslist.org/ or http://www.jobsummit.com/ or http://www.signonsandiego.com/ or http://www.sdreader.com/ for job hints. Also, I happen to live here in a 'furry-friendly' house and I know we have a room open for like four-something a month. Mabye around five hundred, I'd have to ask. Just an option... There's surprisingly an even mix of girls to guys, especially if you count the gay guys. Wow, that puts the ratio to 5 girls and 3 guys. Um, I see now why the ladies runm the house... Sorry, half asleep, myself. Anyhow, but yeah... Cheap open place to stay & lots of places to look thru for work. Hope that helps. Sorry, just woke up, myself, so kinda sleepy still... z.z
Comments 35
*huggles and snuggles you both*
May I Please become member of JewishFurs?!
hook it up, b o c h a i n [at] g m a i l [dot] com
thanks in advance,
sir pho john
Do I know you from somewhere in specific (or maybe in real life? I dunno if you're a friend of Chris's... I'd give a last name, but he'd probably rather not. o.o ) - or something? :D We're in some of the same LJ groups too...
And, ho ho! while I have your attention, you wouldn't happen to know of anyone in the SD area looking for a public relations intern, would'ja? (Shot in the dark, but, hey - I desperately want to get down to San Diego asap.)
Will look forward to poking at your LJ in those rare moments I actually, y'know, read more than two or three user LJs instead of community LJs. >_< (Also, sorry for any incoherantness, it's 2:30am at the moment. :) )
Anyhow, but yeah... Cheap open place to stay & lots of places to look thru for work. Hope that helps. Sorry, just woke up, myself, so kinda sleepy still... z.z
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