(312) Компания "HOWE SCALE Co.". Rutland. Vermont. USA. Ратленд. Вермонт. США.

Jan 31, 2018 17:03

Гири и весы США - https://funtofil.livejournal.com/57511.html

The Howe Scale Company became internationally-known for their innovative and accurate scales for weighing everything from airplanes to newborn babies.
Though started by the Brandon Manufacturing Company, it moved to Rutland in 1870 to take better advantage of rail transportation.

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Весы HOWE SCALE Co. RUTLAND VT. NO 9. Бирка дистрибютора - SAMUEL YOPK Y Cia. BUENOS AIRES.  Фото из Инета

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This Howe merchant scale was manufactured in Rutland, Vermont, circa 1880. The scale provides a platform for the accompanying set of cast iron stacking weights.
On the back side there is a hole in the base of the center section for an accuracy certification lead seal. This was required for all scales used in commerce.
Since this hole was never sealed, this particular scale most likely was for home use.
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Весы системы Роберваля с подвижной гирей. Маркировка -  "HOWE SCALE Co.". Rutland. Vermont. USA. Фото из Инета

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Весы. Модель "HOWE" № 8. Фото из Инета

Весы. Модель "HOWE".
Коллекция - antigüedades 5ta region - https://www.facebook.com/groups/975793659115799/user/61550966663286

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Brass Winchester Bushel Scale. Фото из Инета

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Читать - https://scripophily.net/hosccove18.html

Из каталога весов фирмы HOWE.

История компании HOWE - http://www.rutlandhistory.com/documents/rhsqvol.30no.42000.pdf
Читать - http://museum.vzvt.ru/istoriya/proizvoditeli-vesov/proizvoditel-vesov-howe/

Смотреть видео - https://youtu.be/CzfIqOQKqrg?t=124

#весы, #весы HOWE, #howe scales

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