May 17, 2022 10:40

Гири и весы США - https://funtofil.livejournal.com/57511.html

В старые добрые времена,  когда еще не было бездушных цифровых фотоаппаратов, фотокамер мгновенной печати или переноса пленки в пункты проявки,
если вы хотели зарабатывать на жизнь фотографией, надо было хорошо разбираться в химии. Если вы  работали в фотолаборатории, то знаете, как сейчас все налажено
- предварительно отмеренные безопасные химикаты, одноразовые пластиковые бутылки или пакеты из фольги.
Но на рубеже 20-го века вы покупали свои химикаты оптом и смешивали то, что вам нужно было именно тогда - потому что срок хранения раствора весьма ограничен.
Кроме того, вы имели дело с химическими веществами, которые, ну, скажем, сегодня требуют от вас наличия сертификата безопасности!
Чтобы облегчить смешивание препаратов, Kodak поставляла химикаты в маленьких стеклянных бутылочках (чтобы гарантировать, что вы получаете «свежий» химикат)
и изготавливала «студийные весы» для облегчения смешивания порошков.

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр и граммах. Фото из Инета

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр и граммах. Фото из Инета


Balance scale made by the Eastman Kodak Company. 20th century, American. The scale is housed in a cardboard box.
On a label on the outside of the box the following is printed: "ONE KODAK STUDIO SCALE,
Made in the United States of America by EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y. Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
" On another label on the outside of the box the following is printed in English and Spanish: " IMPORTANT, Balance the Scale Before Using.
Set sliding weight on graduated beam at zero (0). Place pans in position and obtain an even balance by turning the milled nuts
located at each end of the scale beam. Even balance will be indicated by the pointer on beam centering over notch at bottom of frame.
With pans in position, if balance remains unequal, reverse their positions, left for right, and adjust by means of the milled nuts.
Material to be weighed should always be placed in the left-hand pan and when above fifty grains, the weights should always be used in the right-hand pan.
EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Rochester, N.Y. United States of America." The scale has a wooden stand; the milled lead nuts or weight
s are stored on top of the wooden stand and are in notched metal holes to hold them in place.

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр.)  Фото из Инета

This scale was made in Rochester N.Y. USA in the early 1900's by the Eastman Kodak Company.
These scales were normally used for measuring out chemicals used in photography. The image above shows a set in very good condition
(after many years use the harsh chemicals weighed make these scales prone to heavy rust). It is complete with label and weights (the smallest weight is missing).
Made from stainless steel on mahogany base it has a set of Avoirdupois weights. It was built on the Roberval principle employing upper and lower crossbeams
and edge-knife steel hinges. The old Kodak EKG logo is in the center support and a conversion table plaque (Grain, Drum, Ounces, Pound) is attached to the base.
The 6 weights are from 50 grain to 2 oz. The base is 9 inches (23cm) by 4 inches (10cm) and 1.5 inches (3cm) deep - the scales have a total height of 6 inches (15cm).
Подробнее - http://scalesmuseum.com/General%20Scales.html

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр .) Гири в системе Эвердьюпойс
Эвердьюпойс (англ. avoirdupois, от фр. avoir de pois - «товары, продаваемые на вес») - система весов, в основе которой лежит фунт,
состоящий из шестнадцати унций.   Фото из Инета

Vintage Kodak Studio Scales Set and Bottle
In the era before digital, instant cameras, or taking your film to the corner drug store, if you wanted to take photographs for a living,
you had to be good with your chemistry too. If you’ve done your own darkroom work, you know we had it good-safe chemicals, premeasured in handy,
disposable plastic bottles or foil pouches. But at the turn of the 20th century, you purchased your chemicals in bulk and mixed what
you needed for right then-because it didn’t keep. Also, you were dealing with chemicals that, well, let’s say would require you to keep an MSDS today!
To facilitate the mixing of chemistry, Kodak delivered the chemicals in small glass bottles (to ensure you got “fresh” chemistry) and made “studio scales”
to facilitate the mixing of the powders. This is an example of one of those scales. Manufactured sometime between 1912 and 1948 by Eastman Kodak-note the “EK”
in the center of the scales’ gimble. It measures approx. 9 x 4 inches and has its full, six-piece weight set and two 3-1/2 inch measuring trays. T
he small chemistry bottle (see detail photo) is traditional “brown glass” of the era and bears the Kodak name and “Tested Chemicals” seal. It’s about 3 inches high.

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр и граммах. Фото из Инета

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр и граммах. Фото из Инета

Весы фирмы EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.  Шкала тарирована в гранах (0.0647 гр). Фото из Инета
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