Гири и весы США -
https://funtofil.livejournal.com/57511.html Фирма Becker's Sons, Rotterdam. Роттердам. Нидерланды -
https://funtofil.livejournal.com/771952.html История компаний Becker & Sons, Becker Brothers, Christopher Becker, Christian Becker, Christian Becker, Inc
Компания основана в 1855 году Кристофером Беккером и двумя его сыновьями, Кристианом и Эрнстом. Becker & Sons была одним из крупнейших производителей весов.
в США в конце XIX в. После того, как семья переехала в Нидерланды во время Гражданской войны, Кристофер и двое его сыновей вернулись в Америку
и восстановили свое производство сначала в Гудзон-Сити и Ньюарке, штат Нью-Джерси, а затем в Нью-Рошель, штат Нью-Йорк, в 1875 году.
В 1884 году братья Кристиан и Эрнст покинули фирму своего отца и основали собственную фирму под названием Becker Brothers. В ответ на это
Кристофер изменил название своей компании на просто Christopher Becker. Компания прекратила свое существование вскоре после смерти Кристофера.
В 1892 году умер Эрнст и название Becker Brothers было изменено на Christian Becker. Так продолжалось до 8 февраля 1915 года, когда компания Torsion Balance купила
компанию Christian Becker и оформила как нью-йоркскую корпорацию под названием Christian Becker, Inc. В 1943 году Christian Becker, Inc. была ликвидирована
и стала подразделением The Torsion Balance Company.Company founded in 1855 by Christopher Becker and his two sons, Christian and Ernst. Becker & Sons was one of the major balance manufacturers
in the United States in the late nineteenth century. After the family moved to The Netherlands during the Civil War, Christopher and his two sons returned to
American to reestablish their manufacture, first in Hudson City and Newark, NJ than to New Rochelle, NY, in 1875.
In 1884 the brothers Christian and Ernst left their father's firm to start their own, named Becker Brothers. Following this move,
Christopher changed the name of his company to simply Christopher Becker. The latter ceased to exist shortly after Christopher died. In 1892 Ernst died and the
name Becker Brothers was changed to Christian Becker. It continued as such until February 8, 1915 when The Torsion Balance Company bought the company and formed
a New York corporation called Christian Becker, Inc. In 1943, Christian Becker, Inc. was dissolved and became a division of The Torsion Balance Company.
Весы фирмы Becker & Sons . Фото из Инета
Фирма Becker's Sons, Rotterdam. Роттердам. Нидерланды -
https://funtofil.livejournal.com/771952.html Весы фирмы Becker Brothers . Фото из Инета
Becker Brothers Gold Balance Scale
Весы фирмы Christopher Becker. Фото из Инета
Весы фирмы Christian Becker. Фото из Инета
Christian Becker Chain-o-matic Analytical Balance Scale
Весы фирмы Christian Becker Inc. Фото из Инета
Весы модели Chainomatic фирмы Christian Becker Inc. Фото из Инета
Весы The Torsion Balance Company
Компания The Torsion Balance Company -
http://www.wikiscales.com/articles/the-torsion-balance-company-2/ Although Ernest Child in his Tools of the Chemist relates that Christopher Becker was the pioneer American balance maker,
it may be more correct to state the he was a pioneer in the United States in the making of scientific balances and to a certain extent,
other scientific instruments. Henry Troemner began making scale and balances in Philadelphia in 1844, at least eleven years prior to
Christopher Becker's introduction to analytical balances in 1855. Becker was, nonetheless, one of ten balance manufacturers to begin
making assay balances, as well as other specialized and general scales and balances, but also to the analytical balance,
the bullion balance, as well as other specialized and general scales and balances. Christopher Becker was born in Filsum, near Hannover, Germany in 1803 or 1804. . . .
In Utrecht in 1847, Christopher participated in the Exhibition of Production and National Craftsmanship and Arts by entering several
items which included an "essaibalans", a wheat and grain scale with horn pans. (Could this latter scale be the original idea for the many
hand-held pocket balances used during the gold rush years in the United States? These also had horn pans, but no other markings,
and were seen advertised in several instrument supply catalogs of the U.S. During the gold rush era.) . . .
In 1854 or 1855, the Beckers and four sons emigrated to America, where Christopher began manufacturing nautical and astronomical
instruments in an observatory at 54 Columbia St., Brooklyn, New York. [There the] New York city directories classify Christopher
an instrument maker living at 25 Hicks in Brooklyn from 1856 to 1859. From 1859 to 1862 the directories show that he lived at 54 Columbia.
Shortly after the beginning of the American Civil War, the family returned to The Netherlands, where they established a balance factory in Antwerp.
Here they were joined by other sons who had not accompanied the family to America in 1854.
After the Civil War in the United States, Becker, along with is wife and Christian and Ernst, returned to the United States and established
a new factory in Hudson City, New Jersey. (The other two sons stayed on the continent and established Becker's Sons in Rotterdam and Delft,
Holland and H.L. Becker Fils, in Brussels, Belgium. The trade mark or logo used by Henry was the American eagle and flag.
Might this have been the source for the many pocket balances used during the early American gold mining era and sold by literally all the
instrument and mining suppliers of that time?) Upon the death of Ernst in 1892, the name Becker Brothers was changed to Christian Becker
[excerpted from Shannon, The Assay Balance, 1999, 49-51].
These Becker scales offered here are very similar to the historic "Parrott" gold scales. Those scales made in New York in 1850s
by Becker were shipped to John Parrott and son in San Francisco. Showtime auction services auctioned those scales from the Norman Rubenstein
Collection April 2nd and 3rd 2005 - Lot 761 for $23,600.00. These scales were shipped to Justin Caire Importer and Dealer Assay Materials - 521
and 523 Market St. San Francisco, California. Included in this lot is a contemporary print-out for Becker Bullion and Gold Scales balance Nos 29 & 31.
A nest of weights from one quarter troy oz including 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, and up to 32oz troy. Overall size of the scale: height is 35" x 34" long x 11" wide.
Also included with the scale is a large glass case. Condition average.
Becker, Christopher
* 1805 - † 1890
Groningen u. Arnhem [Arnheim]
Am 28.9.1805 n Filsum, als Sohn des Christopher Folkert Becker,
Zimmermeister, Uhrmacher, Mechanicus und Künstler, geboren. 1828/29
ging er nach Groningen und arbeitete dort an der Universität als
Instrumentmacher. Später ging er nach Arnheim und gründete dort, 1842,
die Instrumentenfabrik "C. Becker". Diese Fabrik wurde an "Buddingh"
verkauft und unter dem Namen BECKER & BUDDINGH weitergeführt.
1854 emigrierte er mit seiner Familie nach Amerika.
Becker, Christiaan
1882 - 1972 -
92 Reade Street, New York; 147-153 Eighth Street , Jersey City; 228 La
Salle Street, Chicago; 49 California Street, San Francisco
Gegründet 1882. Inhaber Christian Becker. In der Zeit 1914-1943 unter
dem Namen "The Torsion Balance Company" oder "Christiaan Becker,
Inc.". Ab 1927 wurden die Waagen der o.a. Firma durch "I.D. Davids &
Zonen, Jodenbreestraat 101, Amsterdam NL" verkauft. Bis 1949 Eigentum
von Christopher A. Becker (†1949), Sohn des Christiaan. Bis 1956
Eigentum von Frank (E.?) Becker (†1956). Die Firma bestand noch um
1970-1972 in Clifton NJ, USA. Hersteller von Laborwaagen. Die Marke
"TORBAL" datiert aus dem Jahre 1972.
Сhristian Becker, Inc.
1915 - 1943
View All ObjectsCompany founded in 1855 by Christopher Becker and his two sons, Christian and Ernst. Becker & Sons was one of the major balance manufacturers
in the United States in the late nineteenth century. After the family moved to The Netherlands during the Civil War, Christopher and his two sons returned to
American to reestablish their manufacture, first in Hudson City and Newark, NJ than to New Rochelle, NY, in 1875.
In 1884 the brothers Christian and Ernst left their father's firm to start their own, named Becker Brothers. Following this move,
Christopher changed the name of his company to simply Christopher Becker. The latter ceased to exist shortly after Christopher died. In 1892 Ernst died and the
name Becker Brothers was changed to Christian Becker. It continued as such until February 8, 1915 when The Torsion Balance Company bought the company and formed
a New York corporation called Christian Becker, Inc. In 1943, Christian Becker, Inc. was dissolved and became a division of The Torsion Balance Company.
United StatesJersey City
Shannon, John Meeks and Collins Shannon "Christopher Becker and the Becker Companies," Humboldt State University
Robert A. Paselk Scientific Instrument Museum,
http://www.humboldt.edu/scimus/Manufac/C_Becker/Becker.htm (accessed 09/03/2014)
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