Title: Gretel Was a Lonely Girl
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Jo/Lucifer
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Sometimes falling is the easy part. It's who you meet on the way that's interesting.
A/N: Thanks to
kijikun who enabled and encouraged :)
“You remind me of the Gordian Knot.” )
Comments 12
This is like the perfect representation of the actual, literal story: It was a year of phantom presences and shaded dreams before he let her see him again. And this is the perfect representation of the perception, the experience of the story: He was solid and real and familiar in the way he moved and he looked her dead in the eye.
It's like we see the entire world, with complete clarity, through what Jo feels. I think there's maybe three words of objective description in the entire story - solid adjectives that describe something someone else in the scene would be aware of. And yet as a reader I feel like I'm there, and more than that, I'm Jo. That is an amazing gift you have! xoxo
(Also, in case it wasn't clear, I love this story a lot ♥.♥ The premise, the way you write it, is so entirely plausible that I not only believe it, I imagine what comes next. Like, I can see her on other adventures, hunting with Lucifer looking over her shoulder :) So fabulous!)
Your review has left me gobsmacked. Thanks for your ever so kind words and enthusiasm that really makes me feel like I can write. There are days when I really believe that I can't.
So thank you, for your gift to me, and I'm really thrilled that you like this fic. It's truly made my day. Love and hugs and so many sparkles to you through the raindrops xoxoxo
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