
May 15, 2008 20:14

I just realized today that I am highly unreliable when it comes to matters such as posting :P Oh well! But anyways, to whom it may concern: I plan to post my new batch of icons by Saturday...I mean it this time. And my new story is going to be completed before then, but it has to go through the process of editting. So I shall wait for the better ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

n0vemb3r_rain May 16 2007, 02:19:28 UTC

whats up? how is you?

I like your icon, lol XD

anyway, i saw your post and I just wanted to drop in and say hi :3 how is school going? :o How is suzie?!! i heard she got hurt ; ;! tell her that we hope she gets better. :3

well, ciao~ ♥


fullwingedlove May 16 2007, 19:22:23 UTC
Me is good. And you? Is you good? ::P(alien smilie)

I <3 my icon! Bones rocks, no matter what Shannon says!!

Hello to you too!!! School is going fine enough. I got a 100% on a test!! I was so proud.

I'll be sure to tell her when she comes home. I can't believe she managed to hurt something at grandma's house, that's near impossible!!

:D :P


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