Strange and silly Sharpe fic!

Jan 26, 2011 12:26

feroxargentea unintentionally inspired me to write a Sharpe version of The World Turned Upside Down. Part of the way through that, I got to thinking of how people act when they’re delirious with fever, and that is where this ridiculous little fic came from. And yes, about halfway through this, I did remember that scene from Cryptonomicon where Bobby Shaftoe’s ( Read more... )

i guess the giant lizard is a thing now, sharpe, fanfic, completed

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Comments 14

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fullofowls January 27 2011, 00:57:15 UTC
We are fandom twins I am your fandom impostor! I appear when you're not around and badly imitate your mannerisms and facial expressions, to the enormous confusion of our mutual acquaintances! Mwahahaha!

(I'm not actually, but I guess the same kind of person who likes AoS will gravitate toward Sherlock Holmes?)


eglantine_br January 26 2011, 18:13:58 UTC
I love this! So wonderfully silly and free.


fullofowls January 27 2011, 00:52:51 UTC
Thank you!


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fullofowls January 27 2011, 00:52:40 UTC
Thank you :)

Having been on the receiving end of a similar monologue


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fullofowls January 27 2011, 22:55:05 UTC
I had my wisdom teeth out sometime in September (October??) under partial anesthesia... I was conscious the whole time, but I didn't remember it afterwards. Until now I hadn't even considered the things I was probably saying! (On the other hand, the doctors there are probably used to it. I hope.)


alltoseek January 26 2011, 19:56:42 UTC
Oh this was hilarious! I know Sharpe just a little and it seemed perfect to me - how "in-character" can you be when you're a) hallucinating or b) talking to someone hallucinating? :-)

Now I have to write how Aubrey would react if a delirious seaman called him "Goldilocks" to his face :-)


fullofowls January 27 2011, 00:51:19 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! And I think there is a scene, in H.M.S. Surprise or a book or two after, where a midshipman gets drunk and says all kinds of awful things to Jack very loudly on his own quarterdeck. :)


alltoseek January 27 2011, 02:01:25 UTC
Yes I remember - Post Captain, on the Polychrest, he was a brand new squeaker and his mates got him drunk the first day it wasn't completely stormy, and Jack had him kissing the gunner's daughter for his pains. Then trussed to his hammock.

But I was thinking a long time sailor - a shipmate, delirious like Sharpe, so not technically accountable, remembering the old days before Jack's hair grizzled and everyone called him Goldilocks.


fullofowls January 27 2011, 02:03:49 UTC
That would be pretty funny.


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fullofowls January 27 2011, 00:47:01 UTC
Thank you!

I always loved that little detail of how PO'B's sailors, who are illiterate themselves, always make a big deal about Stephen's knowledge of Latin. They once beat up sailors from another ship for refusing to admit that they were inferior for having only a mere surgeon aboard.


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