Title: Hunger For Your Blood
Pairing: Onho, 2woo
Rating: PG-15
Genre: AU, power/god/vamp, smut, action
Summary: It's impossible to describe them, mostly because they only come at night and wear demonic half masks that hide the tops of their faces, but really because no one knows what they are or where they came from. Much faster than humans, these
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Comments 9
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Onho is very rare so even more adorable when it happens! If you like infinite you should DEFINITELY give 2woo a try! And if you don't really listen to them, you should! They're amazing!
I can already tell I'm going to get hooked to this fic ;u;
I'll be anxiously waiting for your update <3
ps. i like that 2 pairing thing ~^^ more cuteness &smut :P
Haha sexy powerful Jinki! Not the powerless one for once! WOOO! Ah, Minho. Quit denying Jinki's blatant sexuality xD
Ah, good! Two pairing is a good thing! I hope to spread more love to the world and getting people into Infinite with some 2woo stuff! I just recently found them, but have already stalked them like crazy lmao! SHINee and Infinite. Two best groups evaaa! <3
Thank you so much for the feedback! T.T I've been so lonely! <3
Omfgarsh why haven't I heard of them before ?!:o
They are so sexy !
2woo... my garsh... too many feelings right now ;u;
& when i saw they came out in 2010... ;_; i feel so late, but who cares ?!!
I'm totally supporting you on this whole Onho/2woo fic \(^u^)/
ohhh they met and i hope they do sm3x keke :D
i am a myungyeol shipper so it is okay for me reading 2woo but i dont know y i dont like myungjong hmmmm... maybe i compare them as myungsoo = minho sungyeol = onew and taemin = sungjong that is why...
update soon
AHHHH I LOVE Myungyeol, so we get along great :D! Myungjong doesn't work for me either haha I can't really see Sungjong with anyone, or he gets along with everyone, but I love everyone else pairing more so he's kinda left out in my mind sigh, poor kid!
I'll update soon, but I'm gonna finish HTTYD first I think! Soon, soon! I'm having so much fun writing this one. Two main pairings is really spicing it up for me!
i swear, your original ideas are just amazing!!!!
and i shall be back at miawee7 for fics ^U^
Have I? I always wonder if people think I'm going to take it one way and I just derail the train on them.. but you like it, yes? For this I am glad.
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