Ficlet: Jealousy

Feb 20, 2014 16:04

Author: starkidwarbler
Title: Jealousy
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Sterek Preslash
Character/s: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Tyler Hoechlin
Summary: Derek goes to check in on Stiles and Tyler
Warnings: Implications of assumed pedophilia
Submission Type: ficlet
Word Count: 706
Prompt: 58. Laughter
Author's Notes: Follows Here Comes Trouble, Make it Double. If I write another one after this, I'll make it a verse.

Derek stood facing the back of the house, listening to the going-ons in Stiles’ bedroom. He counted himself lucky that housing in Beacon Hills tended to be spacious, and particularly so as you traveled further to the edges of the town. The Sheriff’s house wasn’t as far out as his family’s had been, but they didn’t have any immediate neighbors, either. He didn’t have to be worried about anyone watching him make the leap to the second floor window ledge, and today, he could stand there as long as he wanted without having to worry about concerned neighbors putting in a call to the Sheriff’s office to report an adult male with a menacing look watching a teenage boy’s bedroom window. The last thing he needed to add to his criminal record, short as it may be, was something like stalking. Or worse, rumors spreading about his intentions towards Stiles.

The people around here- at least, the one’s he didn’t directly go out of his way to have contact with- thought badly of him as it was. His choice of obviously underage company has been the talk of the town, only becoming quieter as the supernaturally induced chaos went on the rise. Most of what he overheard when he went into town was that he was a pedophile, gaining teenager’s trust and biding his time. It was ridiculous, and there was only so much change he could make to fit in before he would implode. He stopped driving the Camaro (he put it on car stilts in a storage unit the next town over- he couldn’t bring himself to sell it), told Isaac to ride the bus to school (he knew Isaac kind of hated him for it, but despite what the boy thought, it wasn’t really about him, and it wasn’t that Derek didn’t care), and most days, he didn’t even wear his favorite leather jacket. He changed over the years away, and Beacon Hills was no longer the place for people like him, and no, that had nothing to do with lycanthropy.

Somehow he couldn’t bring himself to tell anyone that, even though he knew he could. Well, he could probably tell Boyd. The only person he really knew for a fact that he could share all these thoughts with was Stiles, who was currently laughing it up with a guy who looked just like him- like he might have been if his formative years hadn’t abruptly ended with the fire. Pain and betrayal twist a man to the point where even something so small as a smile, a genuine smile, was hard to come by. Tyler smiled like he was having the time of his life.

Stiles clearly preferred this man to Derek, and it hurt like hell. He felt betrayed- not so much by Stiles, but a new crack in the emotional wound that was Kate. If it wasn’t enough that she took his family, she also took this. Derek stood in the backyard of the Stilinski house, unable to fathom what it would be like to be inside, laughing with Stiles over what he also couldn’t imagine.

All he knew was the longing he felt to be there, to have that with Stiles. It wasn’t a feeling he often indulged in; it lead to wanting more and more until suddenly he made himself the creep that everyone thought he was. To an extent, he made himself the kind of danger that Kate had been. That, too, was something he’d rather not dwell on. Someday, maybe, he could be okay with the way that Stiles had settled within his ribcage and brought along a tangle of complex and generally warm feelings the boy had brought with him, but not right now.

Stiles and Tyler settled, as far as his hearing could tell, and Derek came back to himself- back to the moment. The jealousy subsided, and Derek could breathe again, and function without his mind bearing down on him. He was satisfied that they were doing alright, and Stiles hadn’t killed the guy.

He resolved to move on to Deaton’s office to check on his progress at getting Tyler home. He’d leave…once he could bear to make his legs drag him away.

type:ficlet, c:stiles stilinski, c:derek hale, pt 58: laughter, *c:starkidwarbler, p:derek/stiles, rating:pg-13

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