Stuff about Ed

May 17, 2006 19:32

That "my character" meme:

-Ed is not actually gay (yes, yes, laugh), but he answers to that for sake of not talking about his hormones in detail, since he doesn't really care what people call it. But Due to Riddle and the love goo he's capable of finding men sexually attractive, but at the same time never really does. The only two people he's ever been at all attracted to are Riddle and Roy, and Roy only rarely and briefly and when it's brought to his immediate attention. Sex, in general, isn't something Ed wants to think about with anyone other than Riddle, and thinking about women and sex doesn't weird him out any more than thinking of Not-Riddle men and sex. Though it is true if backed up against a wall, a man is far more likely to get a response out of Ed than a woman. And basically Ed's fear of uteri is a completely different issue.

Which isn't to say that Ed would have any idea what to do if he encountered a vagina.

-Ed wears his jacket and gloves and leather pants even in the dead of summer, because despite not being actively embarassed by his automail, the fact that everyone who saw it could recognize him as a poor little cripple is enough to make him want to hide it.

-Ed has bad nightmares rather regularly, but is a pro at dealing with them soundlessly so as not to disturb roommates. However, this has gotten worse since Ed stopped sharing a room with Al, and he tends to only go to bed when suitably exhausted or else he has difficulty sleeping.

-When Ed does sleep he does so very violently. Talk, mumbles, snores and rolls around, and seems to be an expert at hitting unwary bedmates (hi Riddle) with metal limbs.

-Ed doesn't actually care about getting his arm and leg back that much, isn't even convinced it's possible. He just promised it because even if Ed has next to no self-worth, he realizes he's loved anyway, and Al needs motivation just like he does.

-Though Ed realizes Izumi thinks of him and Al as her adopted sons, Ed does not think of her as an adopted mother. But he does care about her a lot and subsequently doesn't do anything to make Izumi think otherwise.

-Though Ed would be sad to leave camp, the only people he would actively miss are Riddle and Tomo. And upon returning to Amestris and finding he's the only person from his point in time, he would bitter sweet about losing his growing friendship with Mustang, and that this Al never got to know Ari and Ash.

-Ed thinks of himself as a child, and a part of him is constantly surprised when people he respects don't treat him like one.

-Ed will never drink, smoke or do drugs even experimentally entirely because his mother told him they were bad. He will similarly condemn all of these with a sweeping prejudice whenever possible.

-Ed is a hypocrite, he knows it, and 90% of the time he actively doesn't give a shit.

-Ed knows he's short, he knows he's not going to get any taller, and he doesn't actually pissed off by people jokingly making fun of his height. He keeps up the gimic because it entertains him and others, and at heart he's a ham and likes to make people laugh. And in lieu of that, he thinks it's funny to freak them out. He will, however, get pissed when people push the short cracks just to irritate him, he still doesn't like his height afterall.

-Though Ed is prone to making sweeping judgements about whatever the hell he wants and applying it selectively whenever he feels like, and doesn't mind pissing people off, there are very, very few people Ed actually dislikes or has ever even been genuinely angry with.

-Looks arne't something Ed thinks about much, but he doesn't think he's ugly. However, he sees himself a cripple, and more importantly thinks that's how the rest of the world would see him if it had to actively deal with his automail. Ed doesn't seriously believe anyone would ever be attracted to an amputee, and thus doesn't expect to ever be a sexual relationship with anyone other than people above a certain level of crazy. However, he's not actually emo about this, mostly since he has much better emo fodder in his mind.

-In the back of his own head, Ed doesn't think he'll survive returning Al's body to him. The only reason he isn't okay with this is because Al would be Very Distraught if he died. That and he feels it's his responsibility to help Mustang become Fuhrer, or at least stop the current Fuhrer, and so if he were to die he would feel like he'd failed at that. However, if Ed were to actually die (say at camp) he's gain a new love for life and get over this "it would't really matter" mentality.

-Ed doesn't get most slang, especially anything that pertains to 'darker' sides of life. Roy had to explain what a pimp was to him, but because he's only gotten the dictionary definition it's warped his view, and he thinks the Host Club is a pimp thing. And this is why he called Roxas "Micro-Pimp" at one time.

-Though it bugs him if people request too much, or if they do it in a rude or expecting manner, Ed really enjoys using alchemy to make stuff for people. He's not above showing off at the same time, but mostly likes to know he's using alchemy for what he believes is it's true purpose.

-Ed feeds his pet chocolate frog Slippy cocoa beans, and keeps him in his coat pocket at all times.

-Ed has very few actual possessions aquired in camp, and gifts from Tom make up the majority of them.

-Prior to nearly drowning, Ed was wary of water mostly out of habit. Now it would take a crow bar (over the head) to get him into the onsen again.

-If camp gave Ed a chance to leave, he wouldn't take it unless it simultaniously offered everyone else from his world (Al, Roy, Havoc, Izumi- he doesn't consider Russel or Fletcher as being from his world) the same deal.

-Ed doesn't actually know the details of the Ishibal war, just that 'we' won and a lot of people died. If he did know how it was carried out, he'd probably be a little afraid of Roy.

-Ed isn't a particularly picky eater, nor does he care particularly much about food. He does like sweets, is favorite of which is hot chocolate, but tends to prefer more meal types of things. Will actually eat milk in any form but milk itself, and likes beans, it's just dangerous to tell him that you'll be serving it.

character info, meme

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