Title: Nothing Is Certain But... (2/2)
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: PG-13
Words: This chapter: 5700+; the whole fic: 12200+
Summary: Shin Makoku's administration needs to raise the taxes, but the measure finds some strong opposition.
Spoilers: Not really.
Notes: Gen
First part here (
Nothing Is Certain But... )
Comments 8
Great job! =DDD
Conrad and Murata are the biggest dorks ever together. XD Oh, and I love the ending and poor Günther.
The highest praise I can possibly give this is that it feels exactly like a KKM episode. The sort that would be only one episode or a two part, and this would fit perfectly in the storyline just about anywhere. All of the characters were spot on, and the KKM crack that's always there was here in full force.
I think my favorite part was Gunther getting attacked by Cheri, and then later when Dorcas was like: "I must tell you that the former Maou is here!" and then he facepalmed. Or Yozak and Conrad flirting. But really, I loved everything!
I'm reccing this fic to a lot of my friends. Well done.
I'm sorry I didn't answered sooner. I'm currently out of town.
Sorry for the delay in the answer; I'm currently out of town.
Y sobre Conrad, yo tengo la teoría de que para irle a los Red Sox TIENES que ser un poco geek (o ser de Boston)
Thank you very much for sharing this! =)
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