01 August 2011-Joined; got alright20, operation06, romanesque09, renaicirculation08, daianohana06, bakusou19, bakudan03/09/17 in Starter Pack -Got yourbeats07, soundworld05, bp_mara -Claimed gunsandroses04, cloudage19, connect02, iruyo03, michishirube20, Fire17,Corepride20, Crossover01, Kamiyahiroshi08, lastwolf01, event_prejoin for Aug '11 Release
-Trade: connect02>kamiyahiroshi05 with Gil -Trade: iruyo03, lastwolf01>kamiyahiroshi01, trustme02 with Kuri -Trade: cloudage19>kamiyahiroshi03 with Norkia -Trade: michishirube20, bp_mara>kamiyahiroshi16, bp_skie 02 August 2011 -Trade: gunsandroses04, bp_mara>kamiyahiroshi09, bp_akito with Akito -Got dango09, kowasu04, bluebird18, readysteadygo07 for donating gradesheets -Trade: bp_mara>bp_chuu with Chuu -Trade: fire17>kamiyahiroshi02 with Aletha -Trade: corepride20, bp_mara>kamiyahiroshi06 with Cassidy -Trade: kowasu04>bakudan06 with Gil -Trade:alright20>kamiyahiroshi07 with Kerry -Trade: crossover01>kamiyahiroshi04 with Chuu -Trade: daianohana06, bp_mara>corepride17, bp_kuri with Kuri 03 August 2011 -Got iruyo16 for hosting Prejoin Game 02 -Trade: dango09>kamiyahiroshi20 with Curry -Got mezase01, nyantra08, dreamwing10, readysteadygo11, operations08, rewrite09 from Prejoin Game 03 -Trade: readysteadygo07/11>bakudan19, miyanomamoru16 with Kuri 04 August 2011 -Got meganekko01, kamiyahiroshi16, kesenai04, one star from Prejoin Game 04 05 August 2011 -Got trustyou10, shiori20 from Prejoin Game 06 6 August 2011 -Trade: bp_mara>bp_ouji with Ouji 7 August 2011 -Trade: mezase01, bp_mara>trustme15, bp_silver with SIlver -Got exdream17, cagayake03, butterfly14, hanamaru17, yasashiku09, one star form Prejoin Game 05 -Got kowasu15, bouekndesho08 from Prejoin Game 07 8 August 2011 -Trade: cagayake03, bp_mara>trustyou11, bp_harumi with Harumi -Got colors15, operations06 from Prejoin Game 09 -Got gunsandroses20, marukaite12 from Prejoin Game 08 9 August 2011 -Trade: yasashiku09>kamiyahiroshi15 with Tiv 10 August 2011 -Got fire07, soundworl07 from Prejoin Game 10 11 August 2011 -Got oneesan01, connect09, readysteadygo12, again13, one star from Prejoin Game 11 -Trade: soundworld07>trustme03 with Harumi 13 August 2011 -Trade: colors15, kamiyahiroshi16>action10, renaicirculation14 with Ouji 14 August 2011 -Got kesenai08, ashlikesnow06, fire19 from Prejoin Game 14 15 August 2011 -Got tank20, perfectarea07, pre-parade01, meganekko07 from Prejoin Game 10 -Trade: nyantra08>corepride11 with Chuu 31 August 2011 -Trade: bp_mara>bp_aby with Aby -Got miyanomamoru17 from Prejoin Game 13 1 September 2011 -Trade: butterfly14>kamiyahiroshi13 with Allmia 2 September 2011 -Trade: meganekko01>kamiyahiroshi10 with Skie -Got goodtimes06, mindgame10, orion10, obsession04, kane03, passion01, parallelhearts01, hiyokunohane12, irinomiyu20, academy02, firstepisode01, event_grandopening from Sept '11 release -Trade: goodtimes04, readysteadygo12>kamiyahiroshi12|14 with Kuri -Referral rewards: bakudan01, passion08, mizukinana13, donuts13, mindgame14, kamiyahiroshi15 -Trade: orion10>bakudan04 with Gil -Trade: mindgame10>renaicirculation10 with Harumi -Trade: kane03>trustyou15 with Zweilous -Trade: hiyokunohane12>kamiyahiroshi18 with Aletha -Trade: parallelhearts01>trustyou17 with Hitomi 3 September 2011 -Got antenna13, dreamwing14, romanesque11, miyanomamoru05, dontsaylazy04, again06, Starx02, Stampx01 from Redemption Center (turned in Gradesheetsx02, lost Starx04) -Got kamiyahiroshi19 from Redemption Center (Lost Stampx01) -Mastered KamiyaHiroshi; got reovlution01, cagayake10, rinburevolution02, meganekko11, Starx01, Stampx01
-Trade: obsession04>corepride09 with Ralene
-Trade: kamiyahiroshi15, rinburevolution02>corepride05|06, onehalf06 with Ouji
-Got academy07, trustyou07, fukuyamajun15, communication08, oneesan20, crossover10, bluebird20 from Karina's Music Match 01
4 September 2011
-Got namidanomukou08, shine14, rhythmemotion02, harukakanata20, howling09, parallelhearts07, Ticketx03 from Deck Donations
-Trade: passion01, irinomiyu20, academy02>bakudan12, corepride02|08 with Chuu
-Trade: perfectarea07>majilove05 with Gil
5 September 2011
-Trade: meganekko07>firstepisode02 with Skie
-Trade: onehalf06>action08 with Kuri
7 September 2011
-Got shiori01 from Update Post
-Got kaerimichi12, namidanomukou02, academy20, woaini14 from Broken Record
8 September 2011
-Got yellowmoon14, antenna09, meikokurensa12, bakudan02, Starx01, Ticketx01 for Level Up>Track 02
10 September 2011
-Got rhythmemotion18, marukaite06, hoshinosumika09 from Oz's Odd One Out 01
11 September 2011
-Trade: kaerimichi12>meganekko06 with Curry
-Got howling11, romanesque18, sounddisc19 from Who Said That Line 01
-Got kowasu05, roseone03 from Ryuichi's Doodles 01
-Got yume08, dontsaylazy17, action08, fire09 from Koizumi and Otani's Karaoke Glitch 01
-Trade:hoshinosumika02/09, mindgame14>bakudan11|13, meganekko13 with Harumi
12 September 2011
-mizukinana13>action11 with Marge
14 September 2011
-Trade: donuts13>marukaite16 with Kristi
15 September 2011
-Trade: yume08>meganekko20 with Gil
-Got donten11, straightjet05, rollingstar19 from Triton's Trivia 01
-Got cagayake03, tank09, parallelhearts10, sorairodays06, donten20, mizukinana11, perfectarea19, gohome10, hologram13,tomare19, secondflight09, ticketx01, starx02 from Mod Pay
-Got ichirinnohana16, renaicirculation09, harukakanata02, starx01 for Gradesheet 03 turn-in
-Trade: action12>perfectarea19 with Gil
16 September 2011
-Got mezase13, readysteadygo06 from Higher or Lower 02
-Trade: ichirinnohana16>trustme19 with Harumi
17 September 2011
-Trade: again06, passion08, rhythmicemotion18>action01|19, fukuyamajun07 with Marge
18 September 2011
-Got hallelujah11, kesenai19, passion13 from Oz's Odd One Out 02
19 September 2011
-Trade: dontsaylazy14>marukaite02 with Harumi
-Got communication05, qualia15 from Restoration 02
21 September 2011
-Got trustme09 from Vintage Box
-Trade: meganekko13|20>getover12, nothankyou14 with Skie
-Trade: operations08, bp_mara> romanesque19, bp_eiji with Eiji
22 September 2011
-Got skyclad04, miyanomamoru12, tomare13 from High Note 01
-Trade: dontsaylazy17>miyanomamoru02 with Harumi