
Jul 10, 2008 19:17

By: Fuji-chan

Title: Trademark
Author: BG
Rating: PG
Warning: a bit of adolescense thinggies. XD
Genre[yeah, from now on, i'll put on genres now XD]: a bit of romance, friendship
Pairing: RyuChii / ChiiTarou
Author’s Note: I don’t really know if this is another short fanfic. RyuChii’s there, I’m sure. Do you know btw the words “identity crisis”? hehe…in this fanfic, I think that is the answer. If I’m wrong, please correct me. I know…it’s full of drabbles!! School started already last month, and I have so little time to make GOOD fanfics. Sorry for that.

Everyone in the Jimusho knows Chinen’s “trademarks”: sitting on someone’s lap, pouting, makes his puppy eyes to get something he wants, being carried around, takes piggyback rides, fanboys a lot about Ohno and Arashi, using his cute and adorable face as an advantage to attract girls (and boys) as well and many more.

One normal rehearsal day, Chinen’s been observing that Ryutarou beagn to act strange. He doesn’t shout to his brother, not beat him up. He’s not using the even-though-I’m-the-youngest-don’t-treat-me-like-a-baby attitude. Instead, this Morimoto boy began to copy some of Chinen’s trademarks.

He’s too surprised to see Ryutarou getting a piggyback ride from Yabu. He after pouts at Hikaru to buy candy for him. rather acting maturely, he began to act like a 10-year-old, giving tantrums. But what irritates Chinen is this:

Morimoto Ryutarou often sits on HSB’s laps.

Chinen’s been thinking lately if Ryutarou's became a copy-cat. Since he’s the youngest from the group, he also has the right to act like a little child. Sitting on other’s laps became a popular trademark of Chinen, and now did Ryutarou come to steal the spotlight?

After saying goodbye to the other members, Chinen and Ryutarou are now alone in the room. The little guy come closer and asked, “Sorry for being frank, but I have the feeling that you’re copying me.”

The other boy looked down and used his matured voice, “I guess you noticed.”

“It’s not what you think! I just want to know why.”

Ryutarou still looked on his feet, “I’m sorry. You’ve ben getting too much attention from doing all those things. And, I wanted to get the same attention as you. If you wanted it to be simple, yes, I’m jealous.” Tears began to fall from his eyes.

Chinen can’t believe Ryutarou would feel that way towards him. moreover, he just felt that he made the young boy cry without hurting him physically. He came even closer and hugged Ryutarou.

“Ryu-chan, that’s not true. You get attention too.”

Ryutarou didn’t answer.

Chinen became worried. He continued embracing the other boy, “You know you shouldn’t copy others, and you have to be contented for who you are.”

Ryutarou cried even more and shouted, “I’m really sorry!”

Chinen paused for a minute, then giggled, loosening his grip and looked at Ryutarou’s wet and shining face, “don’t you know you too have a trademark?”

“What’s that?”

Chinen smiled, “you’re the youngest junior ever to be debuted. That’s much better than sitting on anyone’s lap like a squirrel.” He wiped Ryutarou's tears and continued, “Please stop crying. You don’t want to be the crybaby, do you?”

Ryutarou laughed and wiped his wet eyes using his shirt. He then hugged Chinen and said, “thank you.”

The other boy ruffled Ryutarou’s hair and smiled back.
 OWARI~~~ =3

ryuchii, ryutarou, chinen, fanfiction

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