Daiki Tried to Grow Taller for Five Times

May 19, 2008 14:35

Daiki Tried to Grow Taller 5 Times
By: Fuji-chan

NOTE: this is an entry for the HSJ-thon
Prompt: 108. 5 times Daiki tried to grow taller


He turned off his alarm clock and went back to sleep this morning. He just had a dream that he’ll never grow taller again.

“I need more sleep.” Daiki said to himself as he covered his face with his pillow and continued drowsing.

The next time he woke up us that he heard his cellphone alarming, showing that it’s already his English test.

“Oh ----! The test!”

He quickly stood up, took a bath, ate breakfast and ran for school.

Too late, he already missed his morning classes and got a special tardy mark in his attendance.


After school, Daiki went out with Inoo to eat okonomiyaki before heading back home. Inoo noticed that his friend has been drinking milk all day.

“Anou, how come you began to love drinking milk all of a sudden?”

“Don’t you know kids these days are tall because of calcium? I need some too, you know.” Daiki answered, like in a debate.

“Riiiight.” Inoo said with doubt, “just be careful”

“Careful for what?”

“You may get toilet problems when you eat or drink too much dairy products”

“What? Please, I’ve been doing this since this morning and nothing’s happening to me.”

“Suit it yourself.” Inoo sighed.

When evening came, what his friend said was true and now what Daiki can do now is go to the bathroom every 10 minutes.


“What is Dai-chan reading?”

Daiki showed the young boy the health magazine he’s been reading.

“Why do you need this? You’re healthy.” Answered Chinen.

“It’s not about that, Chii. I just want to know some good tips to make me grow taller. I’m too small.”

The little guy pouted, “what’s wrong with being small?”

Daiki smiled and apologized, “it’s nothing. I just want to be as tall as the other BEST members, that’s all.”

Chinen stood up from the swing set, sat on the other boy’s lap and hugged him as tight as he can. “Dai-chan can grow taller, I’m sure~”

The BEST member tickled Chinen and hugged him back, “thanks. I hope I will grow.”


Yabu: 177 cm
Hikaru: 172 cm
Inoo: 171 cm
Takaki: 175 cm
Daiki: 169

“Wow, Dai-chan grew 5 cms in just a month.” Inoo was amazed.

Hikaru’s who is the one marking the height, was full of doubt, “It’s impossible. Let’s check it again.

169 cm

“I told you I did grew taller.” Daiki said proudly.

“No! Again!”

As everyone looked that Daiki did grew taller, Takaki tilted his head down and said, “Look, Arioka-kun’s tiptoeing.”

Everyone looked down and it is true, Dai-chan is tiptoeing. Hikaru got angry and hit the young boy’s head with his bag.


“Hey, Daiki, do you want me to help you with your height problem?” Inoo asked while going with his friend to his house.

“Of course, but how?”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Inoo picked a pair of platform shoes from his parent’s closet and shows it to the other BEST member, “my dad used to wear this. If you wear it, you might be as tall as me.”

Daiki tried it on, since the shoes are his size. He stood up and saw that he’s even taller than Inoo.

“Kei, my friend, you are such a genius!” he smirked.

As he went down the stairs, the shoelaces got tangled up and he fell down. His friend heard a crash and saw the BEST member holding his feet downstairs.

“I think I sprained my ankle.” Daiki cried.

“I’m sorry I have to let you wear that.”

“No, it’s my fault, I didn’t tie the shoes properly.”

Inoo helped Daiki get up and sit at the sofa.

“Darn it. Next time I want to grow taller, I’ll let nature do it.” Daiki said to himself as Inoo’s placing ice on his ankle.


inoo, daiki, tall, chinen, hey say best, fanfiction, hey say jump

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