Blogcrews: Pairings / Multiple Claims / OTP's

Feb 26, 2008 00:11

♥ » I saw [Ueda Tatsuya] and [Yamashita Tomohisa] sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

♫ I married ♥『Ueda Tatsuya』♥ , and we adopted 『Tegoshi Yuya 』 to complete our happy little FAMILY!

【•MY OTP ❤ BLOG CREW ⇔ "Kamenashi Kazuya X Ueda Tatsuya"

I and [foamcube] went to Tokyo, searching for evidences of [Ryoda], and we really saw them in a Café - secretly HOLDING HANDS under the table

Ryoda→ is my anti-drug

Ueda Tatsuya & I went on a Double Date with Koyama Keiichiro &
foamcube  ♥ .

I saw ☆★ Ueda Tatsuya ★☆ and ★☆ Ryo Nishikido☆ ★ ♆F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G♆ ☼ one day ☼… and later found out they were fighting over M.E.! ♥

When I played TWISTER: THE HOT SPOT with {the JE boys}, {Kamenashi Kazuya} ended up moving his LEFT HAND to YELLOW his RIGHT LEG to RED, and since he had such difficulties, he FELL on TOP of ME. Then, {Taguchi Junnosuke} started to take PICTURES OF US and placed them all over the ROOM.

※We were playing »Truth or Dare«, and I dared Ryo Nishikido to § FRENCH KISS § Ueda Tatsuya on his Lips, HE DID! and OMG Ueda Tatsuya was blushing like MAD!!※

Ueda Tatsuya and I went on a DATE but Ryo Nisikido saw us and got JEALOUS!!

❤「 Ueda Tatsuya 」•「 Kamenashi Kazuya 」•「 Junnosuke Taguchi 」→ puzzle pieces of my S O U L ❤

★ I went camping with {Ueda Tatsuya} and {Yamashita Tomohisa}.
We had a lot of fun!! ♥ ★ ~

Ryoda makes me happy in the pants.

ღ love2 → (「Ueda Tatsuya」 x「Yamashita Tomohisa」)

»»»» I saw [* Yamashita Tomohisa*] doodling something on the paper. What caught me by surprise was the thing written on the paper saying, "[*Uchi Hiroki*] is so sweet and sexy. " ««««

₪ I can't live without some "Ueda Tatsuya x Yamashita Tomohisa" fanservice. ☆.•°

╬i had a hot three-way with ››Ueda Tatsuya‹‹ & ››Uchi Hiroki‹‹, and I got it on tape, damn i'm lucky╬

⸗「 Uepi (Ueda x Yamashita)」are love ≈ love ⸗

•° I would like to have Kamenashi Kazuya as my brother,
Yamashita Tomohisa as my best friend and Ueda Tatsuya as my lover! °•

Ueda Tatsuya n' Yamashita Tomohisa = equals = DOUBLE-TROUBLE!

*Kamenashi Kazuya* and *Akanishi Jin*
sitting in the car
doing something rated R

Ueda Tatsuya + Yamashita Tomohisa = keyboard-smashing love

〖 ☆ミ my Easter Bunny ♂ OTP pair →˚•「 “ Ueda Tatsuya x Yamashita Tomohisa” 」•°★彡 〗


{Ueda Tatsuya x Taguchi Junnosuke}
~That time, that place, this bond won't disappear ~

the best friends club
Ueda Tatsuya & Kamenashi Kazuya & Alice

Spiderman? Batman? Winnie-the-Pooh? Who cares about them!
[Ueda Tatsuya] + [Kamenashi Kazuya] → my personal h e r o e s ♥       

blog-crew claims

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