Rock Week....bad for my blood pressure and anger techniques.

May 08, 2009 20:14

So I’ve slept on it, I’ve tried to organise my thoughts and am I any less angry than I was yesterday? Not at all, in fact, I’m almost more angry. Instead of calming down I have been stewing over it. So I figure I’m just going to attempt to not reach too far into the ball of vilification that has been growing in my stomach (and on the comms) and if I do I will try and direct it only at the producers and not at Danny as I do not believe he is an evil mastermind who concocted a plan to sabotage Kris simply because I do not think he’s that bright. But on with the analysis of what was, possibly, the most uncomfortable thing I have ever watched in a competition this close to the end.

Those of you who read my post yesterday on Adam and Allison will have first been hit by this little rant. I would like to mention that this was written in the middle of the show. After watching the mauling Kris got after ‘Come Together’ I paused AI, vented my anger and immediate feelings about the atrocity I had just witnessed and then resumed the show; which, of course, did nothing to lessen my anger as I was then assaulted with THAT performance (but I shall come to that later).

Kris’s treatment at the hands of the producers yesterday was nothing less than scandalous. I had been worried that their pre-ordained final of Danny/Adam would mean that Kris would at some point end up being sabotaged but I never expected to see it performed quite so blatantly. Not only was this week almost specifically designed to create problems for Kris, everything they did in regards to Kris this week seemed designed to get people to not vote.

Would someone who has been watching the show from the beginning please tell me if any contestant has ever had to sing two songs back to back? Isn’t it customary to sing one song, go away for a bit while others sing, and then come back on to sing again after being given the chance to compose yourself?


Because there’s not enough pressure on these kids to begin with they then need to make it so blatantly obvious that they don’t want him there! Because they want the best performance he can give so why not just rip his confidence to shreds with the line up before he even has the chance!! And then complain that he doesn’t believe in himself enough!!! And then to finish it all Ryan might as well, right before his performance, remind him that Simon had not said anything useful simply that he felt Danny was better!!!!


The way the video package was edited together made it look as if Slash wasn’t impressed with Kris either. He praised, in some way, the other three contestants in their videos and in Kris’s all he can say is that he made him nervous. I thought Kris appeared to hold his own very well in the presence of someone commonly thought to be a guitar god. When Slash spoke to the camera it wasn’t “if he picks up the performance it could be really good” no, it was “if he actually manages to pick up the life performance a little bit that’ll help”. There’s no indication there that he believes that Kris is capable of this at all. What a way to crush the confidence before the song has even started.

I can’t decide if the producers don’t want Kris in the final because they don’t want to admit that there’s a person who could feasibly become huge that they didn’t see the potential of from the get go, or if it’s because he stands more of a chance of winning against Adam than Danny does? If it’s the first they need to get over it. They see thousands of people and sometimes it takes just a little bit longer to see the potential than in others, there’s nothing wrong with that. They should be pleased that they found, even accidentally, someone the public seem to have really taken to without being told that they should. If it’s the second one…..well I can’t believe Adam would want to win purely because the producers made sure he competed against someone who was so far below his league. Simon has admitted in interviews that he doesn’t think Danny has any possibility of being successful anywhere other than America so why push someone out of the running who does? Kris would provide a genuine challenge to Adam, and not one that you could say didn’t deserve to be there. He has worked every single week to create a unique performance and make each song his own (as I said yesterday this week they all appear to have been forced to play it pretty straight). But what ever the reason the producers really need to let the audience decide who they want and give each contestant a fair run. We’ll just get angry otherwise.

I was genuinely worried about Kris’s possibility of staying in this week before I read the results. Because it was Allison’s week, Danny appears to have an incredibly loyal fanbase and Adam’s fans were rejuvenated after last week. But why he was safe? I do think Kris has a bigger and more passionate fanbase than people give him credit for; Adam’s fan were not the only ones to react to last week’s bottom three. But I also think that a fair few of the voters who see-saw between contestants each week will have voted for Kris out of sympathy, and there will have been some who voted purely to piss on the judges and producers. People could see what was happening this week, that he was being thrown under the bus and then held there, and felt sorry for him. Kris is an attractive guy, one that on occasion resembles a puppy, and the look on his face as his performance was being torn to shreds…..well….Bambi could take lessons. I’m not saying it was deliberate, I think that knowing he was being pushed towards the exit sign and the tiredness that all the contestants must now be feeling combined to leave him incapable of hiding his feelings.

I really liked this. No it was not his best performance but it was still fun and energetic. I said yesterday that I was dancing to it and that was not an exaggeration. I was on my feet grooving the song. This is a brilliant song and I have yet to hear a bad version of it but that detracts nothing from this performance. He was so charismatic that I can’t help but wonder who cares if it looked a little bit like a jamming session. Have you seen the footage of The Beatles on top of that building for their last concert? Have you watched Oasis sing anything ever? These performances all resemble to some extent a jamming session. If Kris had been just singing instead of playing his guitar they would never have called it that; it was the instrument that lead to this comment because with his guitar abilities it literally could have been a jamming session. He could pick up the instrument, grab some talented friends, and play something we want to hear.

As for the guitar. This was rock week and it was nice to see one of the contestants playing a bloody rock song. Yes these older rock groups have their front men but in the contemporary ones the front men usually play their instruments as well. What Kris did with this performance was prove that he could front a full sized band, still sing mainly in tune (a few of the notes were a little flat and I won’t lie about that), still keep his guitar as a vital element of the song and not be lost in the mix. What Kris showed tonight was front man potential in a genre that is not, as we were endlessly reminded (and not in a good way), his genre.

Michael Slezak on keeps pointing out that what Kris brings to a song isn’t a bunch of glory notes, isn’t a showy vocal line, but instead a subtle performance that can be listened to time and time again without ever growing old. Once again Kris brought this to the performance.

Yes it helps that playing his guitar, singing as well as he does, looking like he does, and dressed as well as he was Kris was ridiculously sexy up there. Front men should be sexy. They don’t have to be good looking, but there has to be something up there that you want to watch; that charisma. And I have no idea what the judges are watching that they can’t see this in him. How is it that Simon Cowell, king of finding commerciabillity, can’t see there’s a good looking, talented, polite, well liked commercial force of nature stood right in front of him?

This was not, by any stretch of the imagination, the worst performance of the night, and yet it was treated as worse than bad, it was treated as boring. Kris was not given any praise for effort, he was simply repeatedly shat on. This may not have been Kris’s strongest week but they didn’t have a nice thing to say about him. And you could see from Kris’s face as he moved to get the comments after ‘Come Together’ that he knew they wouldn’t.

I would like to be able to say that before reading it on the internet it never occurred to me that Danny was deliberately trying to mess Kris up but to be honest I had wondered that as the performance went on. ‘Renegade’ by Styx was a weird choice. The lyrics couldn’t be more the antithesis of Kris and Danny if they tried. The idea of either of these two people being wanted by the police is laughable. But apart from that, and once again my minds connection to Supernatural (this one IS actually in the program), it was a strange choice and not really one that lent itself to a duet. Nor is it, past the opening bars, a particularly good song.

The harmonies did work really quite well at the beginning, although how much of that was them and how much was the backing singers I do not know but the voices, for those moments, fitted together nicely. However, it cannot be overlooked that by pairing Kris and Danny together, something that was always going to happen, the producers didn’t really give either of them a chance; particularly not Kris. You could make the argument that they thought placing either of these two with either of the rockers could have created a strange mix but Danny doesn’t have the greatest control over his voice, and sure as hell not the volume of it, and Kris doesn’t have the loudest voice so what did they think the outcome was going to be.

Danny, particularly towards the end of the performance, wasn’t trying to work as a pair he was simply showing that he had the better voice. His voice may be more suited to rock than Kris’s but this was not the way to perform a duet. You have to work with the other person, not against them. Those longer notes during which Kris held the note as they had obviously agreed it felt as if Danny was changing it when he shouldn’t. Danny riffed around in a way that did seem designed to make it look like Kris couldn’t, something we all know to be untrue.

Kris looked, to me, far more like a rocker up there than Danny did. He was bouncing around and trying his hardest to use the stage as much as possible. David Cook and Chris Daughtry have a lot to answer for when it comes to the idea that lifting the mike stand = rock. But that aside I really thought Kris was by far the better performer here, even if his voice was not suited to the song.

I want to point people to this post to show some screen caps as to how Kris was attempting to create the feel of a duet, to make a connection with Danny, who was pointedly refusing. Well, maybe not pointedly, but he wasn’t exactly trying.

Look, this was not a good performance by either of them but it wasn’t the worst either. They should never have been paired together. I have never seen any indication that Danny knows how to sing with others, he’s never shown a great connection or harmony with the backing singers, and it was unfair for Kris to be placed with him. And to then for the judges treat it as if the song was meant to be a competition between the two!!! They didn’t do that with Adam and Allison, they praised them for working together, yet these two were supposed to be competing? Did anyone even tell Kris this? Or did he, understandably, think that they were supposed to work together and create a partnership?

Silly boy! How dare you be a nice person with a healthy sense of team work and a desire to create the best performance you can. Didn’t you know you’re supposed to cannibalise the person you’re singing with? Did no one tell you this was dog eat dog and not, in fact, a chance to show that you can work as more than your solo part? Oh, and a word for the wise, whatever you do, don’t expect the same treatment as the other contestants get because that would be expecting a fair contest.

This is going to be short because a) I have very little nice stuff to say about Danny this week and b) I’m pretty sure no one reading this journal cares about Danny at all so I won’t waste my time.

Danny was truly terrible this week. OK, he wasn’t actually that bad at part of the duet or the beginning of the solo but this is all null and void due to that last note. Nothing else matters when you end a song like that, it really doesn’t. So Danny sucked this week. And yet he didn’t, not even a little bit, get anywhere near as criticised as Kris did. He was truly horrible and yet rather than being told that he was told, in a completely different way to Kris, that it wasn’t his genre and so they’re just glad he tried his hardest. WTF!!! Really? That’s all? Nothing else? OK ok, yes please repeat horror film comment because that at least was on target but they should have been laying into him. The voice is partially suited to this style, its got the rockers husk, but did they see the performances? He was stood almost completely still on stage, not feeling the music, not getting into the music and not really even trying. Rock is more than the voice, it’s the whole presence and Danny was seriously lacking this.

Well, THAT note. There’s not much more to say. Michael Johns, someone who is 497% more rock than Danny failed when he attempted that note….and got the boot. So why the hell did Danny even attempt it? He messed it up in dress rehearsal twice so surely, rather than inflict that on the public, he should have simply left it out. The song would be weird without it but at least it wouldn’t be painful to listen to. I like this song, and did you know that it is along with ‘Whole Lotta Love’ (Number 75) in Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time at No. 172? Because it is, and there’s a good reason for that. It’s a bloody good song when sung right but if you can’t sing the notes stay the fuck away. Steven Tyler has one of those voices which you can either match up to or you can’t. There’s no middle ground, there’s no trying. It’s either yes or no…..and this was a big fat resounding no.

Danny’s not a team player is he. He is either genuinely lacking knowledge about how to sing with others (unlikely as he sings in church), not at all in control of his voice (not out of the realm of possibility) or just a complete twat who was trying to ruin another contestant’s chance of survival (the common consensus on certain forums). Either way, I have no desire to talk about this performance from Danny’s side because I’d hate to think that he would deliberately put Kris in that position and I am genuinely wary if he gets to the final and then tries to pull the same crap again. So I am leaving it there.

Well, I hope that this came across as more than simply an angry person railing at the perceived slights of the night. But this week’s show was, for me, a mixture of joy and anger so maybe that’s what this post should be. I have rarely, if ever, felt as bad for someone on one of these shows as I did for Kris this week. It has, in fact, left me wanting Kris in the final more than anyone else, even Adam, if for no other reason than to shove the predetermined order in the producers’ faces. And if that makes me petty….well then I’m a petty person. This week’s show was a depiction of all that is great and all that is bad in Idol land. I really hope next week is not the same again but I fear that with desperation will come more cruelty. But I think now that Allison is gone it will be Kris who gains the most from Adam’s support. I don’t believe for one second that Adam would rather be in the final with Danny than Kris. And I don’t think that Danny wants to be in the final with Kris at all. And I think Kris’s mind may just explode if he makes it to the final.

So next week we have producers/judges choice so here we come ‘Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me’/‘Without You’/‘All By Myself’ and whatever other over played nonsense they decide to hand out. But the contestant’s choice will be a lot more interesting and not something that, with Kris and Adam, I think I’d have a chance in hell of guessing. I just hope they both do what they do best and take a song and make it fit their own style. Because Danny won’t and whoever leaves that isn’t him, I want them to have shown in their final performance why that was the wrong decision.

kris allen, danny gokey, american idol

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