Cold, damp, fed up

Mar 31, 2010 13:59

That nice little flush of spring has receded for a bit, and today is cold, grey and very wet. I have just paid several huge bills, and there was a mouse in the sink when I came into the kitchen this morning. AAArgh! The mouse at least tipped my depression has over into mild hysteria, which is probably a good thing. It escaped and fled under the ( Read more... )

exercise, mice, rain, health

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Comments 7

pondhopper March 31 2010, 14:40:33 UTC
A LIVE mouse in your sink?
UGH......tell it to please go outside as Spring is here (sort of) and it will find lots of mates out there.
Mates as friends and mates as...mates.

I wish I knew a magic formula to make exercise at least palatable for you.
It CAN be a downright pain sometimes but it helps me with depression...endorphins and all that.


fuchsoid March 31 2010, 20:18:26 UTC
I perked up a bit after writing that (and frantically washing down all the surfaces the creature had been walking on), went out for a short walk, and felt a lot better, so maybe it is helping after all.

I'm hoping there is only one mouse, and it will either eventually die of old age, or I'll catch it and throw it out, and that there's no way any more can get in. I really don't want it finding a mate and starting a huge family in my kitchen!


gwendraith March 31 2010, 16:43:45 UTC
But, but, but...mice are cute furry l'il creatures! *squeaks*

I was inundated when I lived in tenements in Edinburgh. I just made certain there was nothing they could eat in the areas they could access.

The weather in France last week was fabulous and it's a shock to come back to winter. It's darn cold today.

I have to go for my routine check up and I keep putting it off because I need to lose a little more weight before I go and make sure my glucose readings are good!


fuchsoid March 31 2010, 20:31:25 UTC
My main problem with mice is that I'm too soppy, and keep hoping it will just move out if I ignore it (and keep food out of its reach). The worrying thing about today is that I was certain it couldn't get up onto my kitchen counter, and I still can't think how it did. Keeping food out of their reach is definitely effective, but obviously it got at that courgette somehow.

It certainly is cold in London, and I suspect colder in Ely - there's a very nasty bitter wind that doesn't help. I had to get my gloves and woolly hat back out.


sollersuk March 31 2010, 19:43:18 UTC
Your health centre sounds a bit more intelligent than my GPs. Their practice nurse nagged me into following diet recommendations, and in three weeks I put on 8 lb that took me six months of my previous diet (lots of fruit and veg) plus Wii Fit to get rid of.

Wii Fit is brilliant. A lot of the exercises are actually fun, though I tend to avoid the tightrope walking - yes, it's only a little animated figure on the screen but it still freaks me.

Talking of being freaked, a mouse in the sink is not IMO as bad as either a mouse sitting on the shelf beside you munching its way through your chocolate or the one I encountered in the kitchen. I used to have one of those bread bins with a roll-up front; I rolled it up one morning and got an indignant glare from the mouse eating the bread - "Do you mind? I was having breakfast!"


fuchsoid March 31 2010, 20:39:52 UTC
The nurse was very helpful and not too finger-wagging. I have a food and activity diary to fill in for a month, then I'll see her again and we'll sort out a plan of action. I was also told not to weigh myself again before I see her then. I'm rather taken by the idea of the Wii Fit - something that combines activity with a computer game should be ideal for me.

I suspect that the mouse was more startled than I was - I'm rather hoping that it has fled to a corner somewhere to keel over from a heart attack. They do like chocolate, don't they? It's the only thing I've ever seen this one show any intelligence in finding (except when it's the bait in a trap, of course).


sollersuk March 31 2010, 21:09:30 UTC
Wii Fit is pretty good and even has something of a sense of humour. You can choose your trainer for the muscle exercises and yoga, a man or a woman; I chose the woman, then after a couple of months I switched on and there was the male trainer. "Hello, I hope you don't mind if I stand in for your regular trainer; she couldn't make it today."

I upgraded to Wii Fit Plus, and the coordination can be very demanding (balancing on a large ball while juggling)


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