Yesterday's curse lifted itself nicely today, public transport behaved itself, and I got to the V&A without mishap, to see the new theatre and performing arts gallery. After a nice lunch, of course. The museum is still busily reorganising the first floor, with the new gallery where the old textile collection used to be (I think); the textile
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Comments 7
I love the Lady Bracknell dress!
It would be lovely to see the new gallery as I'm no theatre buff but do love all that kind of detail, even fish masks!
(How is your knee these days?)
The knee is pretty much the same - I seem to be able to walk one day then pay for it with a day of stiffness. How did your foot hold up over last weeks walking?
We walked and climbed a lot and sometimes it felt like my foot was going to give out but mostly I could manage so it was ok. I don't know what I'll do when I can't wear shoes that take the orthotics. I hate closed shoes in summer and it's really depressing. Silly to be depressed over that...but for some reason it really bothers me.
I'm a theater buff and would have loved that!
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