
An a-typical high school romance series

Oct 04, 2017 19:18

We’ve finished watching Ore Monogatari!! (which translates to ‘My story!!’). It’s a high school romance. The main characters are the gentle giant Takeo and the petite (and unfortunately, squeaky-voiced) Yamato, and their romance. The oddly matched pair obviously love each other, and that’s that.
And most high school romances then start messing with ( Read more... )

full review, anime

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Comments 2

changeling72 October 5 2017, 06:42:24 UTC
I simply can't keep up with everything I would like to see. I haven't managed to watch the first four episodes of a series I like, so I will have to give that one up.

For some reason I'm watching more documentary series at the moment, but they don't matter if I miss one.


fub October 5 2017, 19:06:05 UTC
Isn't that the problem? Every new season we watch every first episode of the new anime series, and then collect the ones that interest us. But even with us watching (at least) two episodes every evening (and a lot more in the weekends), and still the series keep piling up!
On the other hand, having some choice on what to watch next is good as well.


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