
Friday Five: Food

May 09, 2021 09:44

Food is an important subject of this blog, so I couldn’t pass up a food-themed Friday Five.

1) What is your favourite food?
Okonomiyaki, no contest.

2) What is your favourite food preparation method?
To execute? Frying. Eggs, burgers, stir-fry, it’s all fried. And it’s relatively easy and non-intensive, which is why I use it a lot.

3) What is your ( Read more... )

friday five

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Comments 1

beauty_forashes May 9 2021, 20:12:49 UTC
There’s not a single ingredient that goes with everything - it’s mostly combinations that work.

That's so true! I'd have probably said to use a little sugar in savory dishes and a pinch of salt in sweet dishes. Both are game-changing flavor enhancers, but I seldom see people do this.


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