
Unexpected Topics Meme

Jun 19, 2019 19:49

I got these three from ashmedai:

1. Homeopathy
I do have an opinion on homeopathy: it’s unscientific quackery that doesn’t work. In the Netherlands, it is in fact illegal now to suggest that a homeopathic ointment is a cure for something specific, prompting some really interesting text on the packaging. I won’t miss homeopathy when it disappears, ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

beauty_forashes June 19 2019, 21:55:49 UTC
My opinion on homeopathy is much the same as yours. However, I did have one weird experience with it. A friend does homeopathy and he recommended something for the migraines I'd have every 2 weeks or so, and I had them all my life. I took the remedy just to do him a favor, actually, never expecting it to work. Three days later, I had the worst migraine of my life! I thought, yeah, figures...LOL! But that was 8 years ago, and I never had another migraine, not one, and the gall bladder colics I sometimes got disappeared right along with the migraines. I can't explain that and I rule out placebo effect since, to me, I was taking a sugar pill and nothing else. But...go figure. But yes, I wouldn't recommend homeopathy as a scientifically valid form of treatment, despite my one (probably one-in-a-million) experience.

Yes!!! Finally someone with the same opinion on GMOs that I have, and I'm on board with everything you said. Most people I know are afraid of GMOs and woefully misinformed, IMO.


strider7901 June 19 2019, 22:11:10 UTC

Hahaha i like your thoughts. Agree to disagree on some points but I think we’re generally in an agreement.

I live in the Midwest. Nothing to brag about much less google. Haha


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