
Interview meme

Oct 03, 2018 20:36

• A meme snagged from kitzune:
→ Comment with “Come at me, bro”
→ I’ll respond by asking you five questions, so I can get to know you better.
→ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
→ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

1) What is one of the funniest moments you can remember from a D&D (or ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

beauty_forashes October 3 2018, 22:33:59 UTC
I tried a tangelo so long ago I didn't even remember until I read your post. I do remember it was so good! Just the right level of tart and sweet. It's a shame I never see them in supermarkets here (if I remember the one I tried was from a market in Spain).

Would you believe, despite having long-term partners, I've never been on a date in my life? LOL!

OK, come at me, bro! :D


fub October 5 2018, 09:34:24 UTC
Around here, they're in pretty much every supermarket during the season!

Here are your questions:
1. You spend a lot of time on your gardening and in processing the produce. What got you started?
2. Would you want to expand your vegetable garden and make it even bigger? What's your "ambition level"?
3. Suppose I have a house in the city with a small garden. What resources would you recommend for me to get started with my own vegetable garden?
4. You have taken in Fritz the wild cat (as much as is possible with a wild animal). Would you have done the same with a stray dog? Why or why not?
5. What's the best place you ever visited? Why is it the best? ("Best" according to your own definition!)


beauty_forashes October 5 2018, 14:06:54 UTC
Very cool questions - thanks! :D


tabular_rasa October 4 2018, 00:12:25 UTC
Come at me, bro!

I love the perfect date answer, lol. Reminds me that today is October 3rd, a la "It's October 3rd!" from Mean Girls.


fub October 5 2018, 09:43:17 UTC
Here you go!

1. You're teaching a language to grade-school kids. Would you also want to teach older kids, like middle or high school?
2. You write a lot about your daily frustrations in your job, so we get to know the downsides pretty well... But what's the best thing about being a teacher?
3. Under what conditions would you consider moving to Japan to teach English there?
4. What is one thing that you wish parents taught their children before sending them to school?
5. You wrote that you have been dating recently. What's your perfect date? ;)


borchmadsen October 4 2018, 11:29:06 UTC
That actually sounds like a really nice date! :) (The serious answer, I mean. Hahaha.)


fub October 5 2018, 09:48:09 UTC
But now that I think about it some more, I don't think it would work as a first date, to get to know a new person. I mean, would you want to go for a walk through the woods with a man you don't know anything about as a first date?


borchmadsen October 5 2018, 10:29:01 UTC
Haha, good thought! Maybe it's more of a second/third date thing. However, the woods we have here aren't that big and real close to people, so maybe I'd do it anyways, haha! :)


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