It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [12/14]

Apr 04, 2011 18:37

Title: It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [12/14]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kyle Burns/Caleb Turman
Summary: Kyle Burns would never admit to anyone that his life was in shambles at his feet. Not to his mother, not to his step-brother Marc, not even to himself. But he especially wasn't going to tell his best friend, Caleb Turman.
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn.
Master Post.

Life for Caleb could be a lot easier, he knew. If he'd never offered to help Kyle in the first place, if he ignored the problems in his life and turned the other way, he could have convinced himself that Kyle was happy. Then he would have been happy, and his life would have been simple. He would have gone back to his apartment in New York and thought that all was well and dandy.

But all was not well and dandy. Kyle was practically a vegetable in his hotel room, staring at the wall opposite of him as he clutched a pillow to his chest, curled up into a ball. Caleb had to return to New York in a week. He had 7 days to figure out what he was going to do with Kyle, who was still mumbling incoherent nothings and crying those silent tears.

Sighing, Caleb set his drink down on the nightstand, alcohol doing nothing to distract his mind. He knew it was probably a hypocritical thing to do, tell Kyle he can't drink and then down some Scotch in the next second, but at this point, he was beyond caring. He was sure Kyle was as well.

“Caleb,” Kyle's voice was scratchy, as he hadn't spoken up in days. Caleb instantly made his way over, shocked to hear the boy talking again.

“What is it, Kyle?” his tone was gentle as he took the blond's hands in his.

“I'm cold,” Kyle opened up his arms, and Caleb knew what he meant.

Trying to smile comfortingly, Caleb slipped into bed with Kyle, hugging him close. Kyle rested his head on his chest, wrapping an arm around his stomach. Caleb held him tightly, and they were quiet and still, but not awkwardly so. It was the kind of silence that comes with deep thinking, comfortable solely because each were lost in their own minds.

Caleb didn't know what he was going to do with Kyle. He had enough money to put him in an apartment, but Kyle had quit his job and was still awaiting news from Alex about his resume at the Liquor Store. He wouldn't be able to afford the rent, and Caleb couldn't afford to pay for both his and Kyle's apartments. He could pay for Kyle to go to Art School and possibly live in the dorms, but he knew Kyle would never let him. And he didn't know if he had all that money on him right at this moment. Plus, with Kyle in such a depressed state, Caleb didn't know if he was up for much of anything, much less going to school or working.

“Caleb?” he was brought out of his thoughts when the blond in his arms whispered hoarsely.

“Yeah, Kyle?”

“Did you mean what you said back there?” Caleb's heart stopped. It had been almost a week ago that Jack had kicked Kyle out, almost a week since he uttered those words, but Caleb knew exactly what Kyle meant.

Taking a deep breath, Caleb whispered, “Yes.”

There was another silence, only Caleb felt that this one was suffocating. Kyle wasn't pulling away from him, so he supposed that that was a good sign. But he wasn't saying anything either. He so desperately wanted to know what was going through the odd little head of his, wanted to know just what he thought of Caleb's feelings, of Caleb.

“How long?” Again, Caleb knew exactly what he was asking for. How long have you loved me? When did this all start? How long have you been hiding these feelings from me?

“Since...Since I first met you,” he replied honestly. He felt Kyle tighten his arms around him, and Caleb wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. He was latching onto him, sure; but was that only because he had no one else to latch on to?

“How much?” Now this was the question that surprised Caleb. But it could also be due to the fact that Kyle was now out of his arms and straddling his waist. His intense eyes were staring at him with an emotion Caleb couldn't name, something hidden behind his irises.


“How much do you love me?” It should have been easy to answer; Caleb loved Kyle more than life, loved him more than he did the sun that shined or the birds that sang. He loved him with every beat in his chest, with every fiber of his being. He loved him so much that he would gladly die if it meant Kyle would live on. He loved him so much that he was willing to put up with his addictions and help him fight them, no matter how tough it seemed at the time. He loved every part of him, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly - though he doubted that Kyle really had any ugly parts to him.

So, this should have been easy to answer, right?

No. It was the hardest question. It was worse than the one time he didn't study for a test in Chemistry that counted as half his grade; it was so important that he didn't want to throw out random answers, but he still had no idea what the true answer was. Caleb had no idea how to answer Kyle; this was so very important, this meant everything - but he felt that not even words could describe how much he loved the boy on top of him, the boy peering into his eyes, into the windows to his soul.

“I can't even describe to you how much I love you, Kyle,” Caleb began, swallowing thickly. “I love you more than I have ever loved anything or anyone. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I can't possibly explain to you how endless my love for you is.”

Caleb knew it was cliché and cheesy, and any Hollywood director would have rolled their eyes at it; but not this one. He smiled warmly and bit his lip to keep back from crying at the beauty of it all as Caleb spoke, squirming in his seat and nudging the camera man next to him in excitement.

Kyle's eyes watered as he leaned forward, lips meeting Caleb's in such a gentle press, that Caleb wasn't even sure if it was real. Kyle's hands grabbed his and he placed them inside of the back pocket's of his jeans, making it so that Caleb was grabbing his ass. Leaning back up, Kyle slowly rid himself of his shirt, tears starting to run down his cheeks.

He leaned back down, kissing Caleb again and being sure to not touch his broken nose (he'd apologized so many times he lost count). When he pulled away, he whispered, “Tell me I'm beautiful.”

Swallowing thickly, Caleb leaned forward, pecking Kyle's lips once more before saying truthfully, “You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. You're gorgeous.”

Kyle kissed him again, this time with such urgency that Caleb's eyes widened at the sudden change. The blond trailed his hands under his shirt, rubbing his sides as he slipped his tongue in Caleb's mouth expertly. By the time he broke the kiss, Caleb was already breathing heavily. Kyle whispered seductively in his ear, “Love me.”

Normally, Caleb would have muttered a quick “fuck yes,” before making love to the beautiful boy above him. But these were not normal circumstances; Kyle was depressed about Jack, he was desperate for attention and for the love he so badly craved.

This wasn't real at all.

Caleb flipped them over, clearly shocking Kyle. Caleb pressed their lips together delicately, much different from how Kyle had been kissing him earlier. When they separated, Caleb said, “Kyle, I love you and think you are so beautiful; but I'm not going to have sex with you as a replacement for Jack. If we ever end up doing something like this, I want it to be because you love me too.”

Caleb stared down at the boy beneath him, scared as to how he would take this. His hands were bunched in the bed sheets and he was biting his lip, trying not to cry. Caleb leaned down and showered his face in kisses as the blond began to weep. Sighing, Caleb lied down beside him and hugged the smaller boy to his chest, Kyle instantly clinging to him.

Kyle cried hard, inwardly scolding himself for thinking that Caleb would want to touch him after he had been so used up. How could God, his movie director, do this to him? Was ordering his life around up in Heaven, up at a safe distance not good enough? Was the power to kill him off at any second, crush his life at any moment too little? Why did he send in such actors into his life, make him into such a cliché teen tragedy? Why was it just one big production with the ending as unpredictable as ever?

“Kyle, I love you so much it hurts,” Caleb whispered softly, using what Kyle had said to Jack so many times before. “I'd do anything to keep you with me, to make you love me. And if you can't love me, then I'd still do anything to make you happy again.”

Kyle buried his nose into the crook of Caleb's neck, his hand resting over the red-head's heart.

Caleb spoke with pure confidence in what he was saying as he whispered, “Which is why I want to take you back to New York with me.”
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