It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [8/14]

Mar 17, 2011 22:46

Title: It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [8/14]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kyle Burns/Caleb Turman
Summary: Kyle Burns would never admit to anyone that his life was in shambles at his feet. Not to his mother, not to his step-brother Marc, not even to himself. But he especially wasn't going to tell his best friend, Caleb Turman.
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn.
Author's Note: You'll notice how there is hardly anything at all about a movie. That was intentional.
Master Post

When Kyle woke up the next morning, he felt himself being cradled in a warm cocoon. He had never felt so comfortable, so at peace. It felt right lying here, snuggling up against this larger source of warmth. Smiling contentedly, he buried his face further into the soft cotton covered warmth, a chuckling meeting his ears. A hand ran smoothly through his hair and he wanted to moan from how good it felt, how good he felt.

“Kyle? You awake, Kyle?” lazily, he nodded, never removing his face from it's buried position. The laugh that grumbled from the figure below his radiated through his bones, making him relax even further. “Well, then, get up. We can go out and get some breakfast at the cafe, yeah? How about it?”

A stupid grin adorned his features as he looked up. Caleb's warm face came into view and Kyle felt his heart skip a beat; his messy hair, gentle eyes, soothing smile...

He wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning. It certainly was a lot better than waking up alone.

Kyle nodded to Caleb's earlier question, the red-head chuckling as he ruffled the blond locks. “Well then, let's get going, yes?”


The walk to the cafe was pleasant; the day was nice and Kyle had asked if they could walk instead of drive. Caleb was never one to argue when it came to what Kyle wanted.

Caleb saw Kyle grab his pack of cigarettes from the corner of his eye. He didn't say anything, instead waited to see what he would do. He felt a proud feeling bubble in him when Kyle threw the pack in the nearest street trash can, a small smile on the blond's face.

“I saw that,” Caleb teased and Kyle grinned.


Caleb didn't know what it was about Kyle that seemed so different today. His face looked less beat up, his bruises already going down slightly. He seemed happier, which was odd considering just last night he was a blubbering mess of tears and pain. Caleb supposed that 'waking up on the wrong side of the bed' really did effect someone's mood.

He was just glad to be the right side.

They chatted about happy things on their way to the cafe. About high school, old memories, new friends, funny stories. Caleb would admit, hearing Kyle speak of his coworker at the strip club made him tense. Kyle could sense it too.

The blond sighed, looking over at Caleb pleadingly, as if begging him to understand. “Look, I know you don't like the job, but the people there are good. I made some of my greatest friends there - besides you, of course,” he smiled. “Like, my friend Jonathan works there; god, he would kill you, he's so funny! I don't even know why he works there, he should be a comedian or something!”

Caleb smiled, listening to Kyle gush about his friend, retelling some of his jokes. Caleb laughed along with him, the tense atmosphere from earlier disappearing.

“You know, I'm sort of thinking about quitting anyways,” Caleb's eyes went wide.

“But you were just talking about it like it's the greatest thing ever!” Kyle shrugged.

“I love the people there, I really do. But I'm tired of having to give lap dances to fat men who still live with their mother,” Kyle shivered jokingly. “This whole thing you're doing for me, it's about changing my life, right? Well, I guess a change in jobs couldn't really hurt, right? Alex over at the liquor store really likes me, he might get me a job...You remember Alex? Alex Gaskarth? From high school?”

Caleb hid his pure joy at Kyle's turn around, instead showing his surprise. “That Alex? I saw him a few days ago and I didn't even know it was him!”

Kyle laughed. “Yeah, his dad owns the place. Alex has been working there so he can afford to go to college.”

Caleb shook his head, amazed. “Alex Gaskarth going to college. Never thought I'd see the day.”

“And you won't believe what he wants to be,” Caleb made a face that told him to go on. “A teacher.”

The two of them erupted into laughter, bringing up memories of when Alex had mooned a teacher or told everyone how he was going to be a rocks star one day, and rock stars didn't need to know Chemistry.

Caleb didn't know what was fluttering against his heart, why it was swelling so much. He assumed it was from how eager Kyle seemed to change, how easily this seemed to be.

If only he knew what the director had in store for his little pawns.


There was a silence at their table as they ate their breakfast, but not an uncomfortable one. They simply ate, words needing not be said. Caleb finished and drank his coffee, watching as Kyle ate his eggs slowly, as if savoring the taste.

“Everything tastes better today,” Kyle smiled. “The sky seems brighter, the coffee seems sweeter... it's weird, isn't it?”

Caleb chuckled and Kyle grinned, that grin that Caleb always fell for back in high school - and still fell for. Setting down his coffee cup, Caleb leaned forward, saying seriously, “I wasn't kidding when I was saying that I wanted to help you.”

Kyle's grin fell to a more fitting smile; one that was small but appreciative, tentative but yearning. Reaching out, he placed his hand over Caleb's. “I know.”

“I'm serious about it. I want you to stop doing...these things that are hurting you, okay?” Kyle nodded, saluting him.

“Whatever you say, boss!” Caleb laughed at this, at Kyle's stupid expression, at his playfully voice, about how bright the sky seemed, and how sweet the coffee tasted.
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