It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [6/14]

Mar 14, 2011 20:07

Title: It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [6/14]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kyle Burns/Caleb Turman
Summary: Kyle Burns would never admit to anyone that his life was in shambles at his feet. Not to his mother, not to his step-brother Marc, not even to himself. But he especially wasn't going to tell his best friend, Caleb Turman.
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn.
Author's Notes: Sorry this took a while to get out; I sort of forgot. xD
Master Post

Caleb stared at the closed door in front of him, wondering whether or not it would be wise to shove it open, beat the shit out of Jack, and take Kyle with him. He could hear them screaming at each other, could hear Kyle crying and glass breaking.

But there was something in him telling him to leave. Something that told him that Kyle didn't want him in there, that he would only make things worse. Kyle had grabbed him and thrown him outside of the apartment, giving him a look that said, “Go home,” before he slammed the door shut.

Kyle's eye had already been forming a bruise.

Slowly, he walked away. He walked down the hall, wincing whenever he heard a loud curse or something break.

But he wouldn't turn around.

They never did.

Of course, it was raining. Of course, on the ride home, sad music was playing softly in the background. Of course, tears trailed down his cheeks and he didn't bother to wipe them, even when walking through his hotel.

It made it more cliché.

He lie in bed, unable to sleep, even though all the lights were off and not a single sound could be heard. Because his head was a premier, thoughts bustling about to try and get good seats, the curtains thrusting open to show Kyle's bloody face on screen. The audience would cower in fear but couldn't stop watching as the blond was pummeled, his beautiful face becoming more and more of a mess.

Caleb gasped in a deep breath, eyes snapping open to stare at the ceiling. His breathing was shaky and sweat was beading on his brow.

“Think of good things, Caleb,” he instructed himself. “Think only good thoughts.”

He thought of when he and Kyle were younger. Kyle was always picked on, always shoved around. Caleb would swoop to his rescue and beat the shit out of anyone who dared to hurt his best friend, his reason for living. Life at home had been getting hard for him, with his parents expecting the world from him. But Kyle - Kyle was different. He expected nothing from Caleb. All he wanted from him was for Caleb to show that he loved him. He wanted Caleb to prove that he was Kyle's friend.

And that seemed almost simple.

They hung out every day. Caleb never let harm come Kyle's way if he could stop it. He was Kyle's shoulder to cry on, his “study buddy” as Kyle liked to call it, his hand to hold during his uncle's funeral, his smile to share, his everything.

Kyle returned the favor 10 fold, of course. He may think that he never did anything for Caleb, but the blond had never been more wrong.

Kyle was Caleb's motivation for everything that he did. When work got too frustrating, when life got too rough, the first person he would call wasn't his mother or his father - it was Kyle. He would cry over the phone and Kyle would talk to him for hours, soothing him and telling him stories of better times, telling him that everything would work out for him - cause it always did.

Caleb would work hard at his job, knowing that the better performance he showed, the more days off his boss would give him - more days to see Kyle. When a break was scheduled for him, the days would fly by, simply because he thought about what he was going to do when he saw Kyle, how many countless hours playing video games and how many mindless horror movies they were going to scream over.

Caleb wasn't afraid to admit that he was in love with Kyle.

No, he'd known about it for a long time. Ever since the first year of high school. Kyle had just come out about being gay and he was sobbing, Caleb holding him close. He had felt ashamed of himself for what he was, saying that it wasn't right, wasn't natural.

Caleb had cupped his face and kissed him. It had been Kyle's first kiss. Caleb wasn't lucky enough to say the same. When they separated, Kyle's watery blue eyes looking at him questioningly, Caleb smiled.

“I don't care if it's right, or natural,” Caleb had said, running his thumb over his cheeks to brush away the tears. “It's you, so it must be beautiful.”

Kyle had blushed and buried his face into his chest, crying once more, only this time, they were different tears. Caleb wouldn't go so far as to call them tears of joy, but more so tears of relief.

Caleb don't know what clicked inside of him, but something did, and he knew that he loved the blond in his arms more than life itself. He had loved him since he first laid eyes on him, falling face first down the stairs. Loved him from the moment he opened the janitor's closet to find him crying into his knees, loved him from the moment his spoke and shook his hand.

Kyle was precious to Caleb. Kyle was beautiful and the best thing that ever happened to him. Caleb had come simply to see his best friend, to bask in his presence; but now he knew that he had a more important job. He had to fix Kyle's life, had to make him whole again - because no matter what Kyle said, his life was in shatters at his feet. And Caleb was going to pick them up.

After all, it was his fault.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where the mist in the theater vanishes. The screen is once again visible, and Caleb's eyes widen when he sees what is playing.

It was his fault. It was all his fault that Kyle's life was a mess. He didn't realize sooner what was wrong with his best friend. Kyle was able to trick him so easily, able to fake his way into 'college' and a 'good job' and an 'amazing boyfriend.' If Caleb had realized sooner...

Maybe it was his fault, maybe it wasn't his fault, and maybe there was no one to blame at all. Either way, Caleb knew what he had felt back at Kyle's apartment, knew what was keeping him awake.

It was guilt.

Caleb sat up in bed, the audience watching him with eyes that wouldn't dare to blink, too afraid that in that instant he would do something that they wouldn't catch. As if his every movement was an important scene, they stared in awe as the tears began to drip their way down his cheeks and as he whispered to no one, “I'm sorry.”   
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