It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [5/14]

Mar 07, 2011 16:50

Title: It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [5/14]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kyle Burns/Caleb Turman
Summary: Kyle Burns would never admit to anyone that his life was in shambles at his feet. Not to his mother, not to his step-brother Marc, not even to himself. But he especially wasn't going to tell his best friend, Caleb Turman.
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn.
Author's Notes: God, now that I'm posting this story and reading over it, I realized that I like my writing so much more now than how it was before. xD Like, this is terrible. I don't know how anyone liked/likes this. xD
Master Post

About a week had passed by with little event. Caleb had begged and pleaded Kyle to talk to him more, to stay with him instead of going home to the boyfriend the red-head had already grown to hate. Kyle had smiled, kissed him on the forehead, and told him not to worry, he was a big boy now and could take care of himself.

That line was so over-used that even the Twilight fans in the theater could see right through it.

Kyle stood at the kitchen table, flipping the eggs in the pan he was holding onto the plate in front of him. He already finished eating breakfast and could hear Jack getting ready for work in the other room. He smiled when he thought of last night; it was one of those nights that reminded Kyle exactly why he fell for Jack in the first place. It had been romantic and sweet, an apology at the black haired man's lips. He had worshiped Kyle, whispering sweet nothings as he slowly and passionately made love to him. It was beautiful and loving, and Kyle only wished it happened a lot more often than it did.

Jack emerged from their shared bedroom, a glow to him that was rare. He came up from behind Kyle and wrapped his arms around his skinny waist, resting his head on Kyle's shoulder. “Did you like last night, babe?”

Kyle giggled when Jack kissed his cheek. He nodded, smiling as he kissed Jack on the lips, a simple peck. Jack grinned lopsidedly, the smile Kyle had first fallen in love with. “Is that breakfast for me?”

“Nope,” Jack's smile faltered and Kyle laughed. “Of course it's for you. Now get eating.”

Jack chuckled, releasing Kyle from his grasp before going to sit down at the table and eat. Kyle went to the sink, starting up on the dishes as Jack quietly ate his eggs and toast. There was a comfortable silence, and for a moment, Kyle felt like this was so normal. Like Jack was the trophy boyfriend, caring and sweet, bringing him flowers at random occasions and telling him he's beautiful. They lived happily together, having minor fights, but always making up in the end.

But their relationship was far from normal. Kyle knew that. He would relearn that when Jack came home today, pissed off by someone at the office. He would yell at Kyle for doing something wrong and slap him across the face. He would storm off into his “study” and watch porn for the rest of the night while Kyle watched cartoons and cried silently.

It was the letdown that always hurt. It was the letdown that made the audience cry.

“Hey, babe? Why don't you come over here?” Kyle looked up from the dishes to find Jack in his seat, arms held out and waving him over. Kyle nodded, turning off the water and wiping his hands off on a hand towel as he walked over. He threw it back on the counter before sitting in Jack's lap, back against his chest.

Jack rearranged them so that Kyle was angled to face him. The middle of his back leaned against the arm of the chair and most of his weight was supported against one of Jack's legs. One of Jack's arms was around his waist while the other rubbed soothing circles into his thigh with his thumb.

“What is it?” Kyle asked after moments of silence.

Jack shrugged. “I just wanted you to sit with me.”

Kyle smiled and he felt the tears sting the back of his eyes. Cupping Jack's face delicately, he leaned forward and kissed him, heir lips moving against each other gently and lovingly.

A knock at the door disrupted them and Kyle pulled away. He was about to get up to open the door, but Jack's arm around his waist tightened.

Chuckling, Kyle called out, “Who is it?” eyes still locked on Jack's.

“Caleb,” it was muffled due to the fact that there was a door between them.

“It's open, come on in,” Kyle called back as Jack kissed his chin.

Seriously, Kyle turned to Jack. “Don't pull anything,” Kyle warned quietly.

Jack scoffed playfully. “I would never do that to you, babe,” Jack kissed Kyle on the cheek and the blond boy giggled as Caleb walked in.

Caleb was...confused, to be completely honest. It was like walking in to watch Avatar when it's already half way through the movie; if you didn't see the beginning, you had no idea why strange blue creatures were running around the place. It was like walking into the movie theater thinking that you were going to see Saw III, but instead seeing The Notebook.

It was confusing and far from what was expected.

Kyle looked up from his perch on Jack's lap and smiled, “Hey, Caleb.”

Jack nudged Kyle slightly and the blond got up. Jack stood as well, glancing over at the clock before his eyes went wide.

“Fuck, I'm going to be so late!” Jack raced back to their room, running back out with a suitcase in hand. He kissed Kyle on the cheek, whispering something that Caleb couldn't hear; but it made Kyle turn a thousand shades of red, nodding with a tiny smile on his face.

Jack laughed before running out, yelling, “Try not to have too much fun without me!” before the door slammed shut and he was gone.

On to the next scene!

Like most days, Caleb and Kyle spent the afternoon together. They went around town doing whatever they could find to entertain themselves. The mall, movie theater, diner, arcade; they became children. They weren't two men - one a stripper and the other a business man - that had their lives set in a straight road, but kids with no direction set on their map, and endless string of hopes and possibilities.

It was around 5:30 when the two of them got back to Kyle's apartment. They were sitting on the couch, talking animatedly - well, Kyle was talking animatedly, Caleb just smiled and listened - when they heard loud banging against the wall. Kyle's face paled and he stood, grabbing Caleb.

The red-head was shoved into the closet and told to wait there and stay quiet.

“Kyle!” With fear in his eyes, Caleb peeked out from the crack in the closet door, watching as Jack stomped his way over to the blond. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

Jack smacked Kyle hard enough to send him to the floor, a sickening slap echoing throughout the room. “Why the fuck is dinner not ready?! All I fucking ask for is for you to get off your ass and do some god damned work, you useless bitch!”

Caleb don't know what kept him nailed to the floor, watching, horrified, as his friend was beaten. He wanted with all his might to go out and beat the shit out of Jack, to slit his throat and kill him in the most horrible way possible for sending kick after kick into his best friend's ribs.

But he didn't. Like every drama film, the character acted like something that wasn't even human anymore, acted like garbage. Even though the actor wouldn't normally be like that, he was now the center of hatred from the audience. Even their hate for Jack was less in comparison to Caleb, the one that stood off to the side and did nothing but watch as the blood dripped from Kyle's nose and the tears fell from his eyes.  
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