It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [3/14]

Mar 04, 2011 00:27

Title: It's Just Sex And Violence, Melody And Silence [3/14]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kyle Burns/Caleb Turman
Summary: Kyle Burns would never admit to anyone that his life was in shambles at his feet. Not to his mother, not to his step-brother Marc, not even to himself. But he especially wasn't going to tell his best friend, Caleb Turman.
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn. [:
Master Post

Kyle heard a knock on the door the next morning and he groaned. No, he didn't groan because he was practically naked, nothing but the overly large hoodie hanging off his body. No, he didn't groan because it was probably his neighbors going to yell at him for the noise last night.

It hurt like a bitch to walk, and he was far too comfortable.

The knocks continued and Kyle rolled his eyes, getting up painfully. “I'm fucking coming, god damn it!”

He was sure he looked real classy right now; holding a beer bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He didn't bother to cover up. Ir was just his neighbors, and maybe that would get them to leave faster. Oh, wait, hold on. Where's my make up artist? Can you make that bruise on his cheek more prominent? Ah, perfect! Thank you, doll! That's fantastic!

Kyle already had set in his mind who would be at the door. He swung it open, scowl on his face, already beginning the usual apology, “Yeah, yeah, I know, I was fucking loud last night, get the fuck over i-”

His voice trailed off when he saw who was standing before him, eye brow raised and surprised smile on his face. “What are you talking about?” he laughed out.

Babe, can you drop that jaw a little lower? Right there! That's good!

Kyle was...speechless. He didn't hear of this casting call. His shocked expression easily drifted into a wide smile, something he hadn't expressed in what felt like decades.

His voice was a high pitched squeal as he screamed, “Caleb!”

He quickly set his beer on the counter and put out his cigarette, rushing back to embrace his best friend. Caleb pushed at his shoulders before he could, laughing as he said, “I'm not hugging you while your dick is hanging out!”

Kyle pouted cutely, and Caleb gave in, saying, “Aw, fuck it. Come'er!” Kyle squealed again before throwing himself into Caleb's arms, holding him tightly.

“I missed you so much, man!” Kyle buried his face in Caleb's shoulder.

“Well, I'm off on vacation for a while and I decided to come see you,” Caleb rubbed the back of his head.

They'd always been close. He'd remembered when they first met.

Bring over the younger actors, the cute, innocent ones! The ones that still smile easily! Alright, fade into the scene! Cue flashback!

They'd been in middle school when they first met. Kyle, a nervous wreck over starting 6th grade, had tripped down a flight of stairs, missing the last one and falling to his face. Everyone had laughed at him, and, with tears in his eyes, he had sprinted from the scene, locking himself in the janitor's closet. He sat in the corner, hugging his knees and burying his red face in them.

“Hey,” he'd looked up fearfully, waiting for the ridicule that was sure to come; it never did. “Are you okay? You didn't get hurt back there, did you?”

Kyle gulped, brushing his tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie. “N-no.”

The red-head smiled kindly, sitting down next to him. “Well that's good. I was worried that you might have hurt yourself.” the boy held his hand out to him, saying, “I'm Caleb Turman. You?”

Kyle smiled through his tears, shaking the boy's hand. “I'm Kyle Burns.”

“Well, Kyle Burns,” Caleb squeezed they joined hands. “I think we're going to be great friends.”

Smashing! Simply wonderful! Fade back to current time! And...Action!

Kyle pulled back from the hug, saying, “Come in! Come in!”

Smiling, Caleb made his way inside the house, surprised to see that it was filthy. Beer cans covered the counter tops and floor, ash trays lingering all over the place. Dirty clothes were scattered and the room smelled funny.

“Sorry about how dirty it is...and the smell...” Kyle blushed. “My boyfriend and I...Uh...” he tried to form an excuse in his mind. “We sort of had a last night...”

If that's what you could call it.

Caleb nodded slowly, not sure whether or not to buy it. “Yeah...I'm just shocked, I guess; you were always a clean freak.”

Kyle laughed, saying, “Hold on. Let me just go get dressed real quick, okay? You can watch TV or something. Make yourself at home.”

Kyle scampered off into his room, leaving Caleb to stand in the middle of a pigsty in his business suit. The front door opened and slammed shut, a tired looking man walking through with a cigarette in between his lips. “Kyle!” he screamed out. “Kyle! Where the fuck are you?!”

He stopped in his tracks when he spotted Caleb. Eying him up and down, the man said, “Who the hell are you?”

Caleb swallowed thickly; he didn't like this guy, “I'm Caleb; Kyle's friend.”

“Oh good,” he slurred. “Maybe you can tell me where the fuck he is-”

“I'm right here, Jack,” both men snapped their head over in Kyle's direction; the blond had an angry scowl on his face, arms crossed over his chest and hip jutting out.

Jack frowned walking over to Kyle. Caleb watched as the man ran a finger down his best friend's jaw before Kyle pulled away. “Aw, come on, babe, what's wrong?” Jack reached forward again, cupping his face with one hand while the other held his cigarette.

Kyle slapped his hand away, hissing, “You're drunk.”

“And you're sexy as fuck.”

“I thought you had a meeting?” That stopped Jack and he pulled away slightly.

“Got canceled.”

“Oh, yeah? What happened? The whore didn't show up?”

Jack roughly grabbed Kyle by the chin, pulling him forward so their lips were only inches apart. He slurred out in a whisper, “Please; you're the only whore I need.”

Kyle pushed Jack back, the black haired man stumbled as he laughed hysterically. He grabbed Caleb's hand, and it was then that the red-head saw the apology on his face, the desperation in his eyes.

Kyle wanted to get out of there before something really bad happened.

Cause wouldn't that just be the perfect drama scene?

“We're going out.”

Kyle dragged the red-head out of the apartment, closing the door just as Jack called out, “You'll come back! You always do!”

That was lovely! The emotional capture was perfect! Practically real! Let's move on to the next scene! Get the stage set up for the Corner Cafe! Ready? Action!

Kyle sat, drinking his soda slowly and never meeting Caleb's gaze. The red-head hadn't even touched his Club sandwich, his eyes boring into Kyle's skull.

“Kyle?” the blond ducked his head lower. “How did you get that bruise on your face?”

And that was his fatal mistake. He'd forgotten to put make up on his face. He'd made sure to wear long sleeves to cover up the cuts and marks from the needles. He remembered to where long pants to cover up the bruises down his legs.

But he forgot to put on make up. He forgot to call his makeup stylists over, forgot to slip on the mask that made him a different person; changed him from simply an actor to the character. He was dancing in the middle of a masquerade with his mask lying on the couch at home, forgotten in all the hassle.

Kyle faked a laugh, and he knew Caleb could see right through it, but he kept up with the act. “Me and Jack were kinda horny, and well...” he rubbed the back of his head, trying to appear embarrassed. “We kinda...fell over ad I hit my cheek bone against the floor. Hurt like fuck and totally killed the mood.”

Caleb shook his head and Kyle knew that he didn't believe him; he could see right past the false scenery and rehearsed lines, peered right into the director's big bag of dirty tricks.

“Is he hitting you?” It was whispered, but it sent Kyle into a rage.

How dare he see right through him.

“Do you honestly think I would stay with someone if they were doing that to me?!” Kyle shouted and people looked over at them, but Caleb didn't seem to care. His gaze was hard against his body and Kyle felt like it was suffocating him.

If this was a movie, he'd turn to the director and say, 'Wait, can I do that again? That sounded too fake.' But this was not a movie, and therefore, he could not ask to redo his lines.

“He called you a whore. He was talking to you like you were shit,” Caleb hissed through his teeth, obviously angry at how his best friend had been treated.

“Caleb, he's an asshole when he's drunk. We've been fighting and he was wasted. Of course he was saying shit, he was mad at me and wasn't thinking straight!” His voice was a heated whisper, and it made his gut hurt to think of how easily lying to Caleb seemed to be; if only he were good at it. “That was a one time thing.”

“I don't want to see you get hurt,” Caleb's face softened.

“I'm not hurt at all.”

Johnny Depp once said, “With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying.” But he couldn't be any more wrong. No, you had to lie and cheat your way to make it to the big time. You had to pour them right out through your teeth like it's second nature.

After all, all the best actors do.
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