I was hoping someone would draw a kiss and I really like the limited colour palette, it looks as if the faces are blending into one. (Cue happy, romantic sigh from me;)) And there's just enough of his perfect hair to reassure me it would be just as I, er, Tonks would like it on their day. You know - ready to be completely dishevelled, lol.
I'm so glad they got married. I don't know how many times I've read Deathly Hallows now, but every time I get to Tonks flashing the ring, I just can't stop grinning. R/T 4 EVAH! *snicker*
I'm so glad I went back and read the rest of the comments from yesterdays Metamorphic Moon discussion. Otherwise, I would have missed this! May I friend you so this doesn't happen again?
Very nice job. Your shading is lovely and I like the way you cropped image.
yay yay yay!!!! This is great. I lurv her super pink hair. Oh Remus and Tonks. Be still my heart. But seriously, she is so super pretty. And the kiss makes my heart melt. great Job.
I like this wedding kiss, the colours create the impression that these two really fit together, it's so soft and tender ;) And I like Tonks' hair, even her eye lashes are red :D
Thanks a bunch! Yeah, it was unintentional that everything blended together but the sketch layer was so messy I just vanished it and was going to draw a new, clean contour line but just decided to leave it. I'm glad it had a nice effect.
Awww. Almost-kisses are the best, and this is a lovely one! I love the fact that even Tonks's eyelashes are pink, and I like the palette and simple textures very much. Remus's hair in particular is really nice.
Comments 13
Lovely! :)
Very nice job. Your shading is lovely and I like the way you cropped image.
Yay for more R/T art!
BTW: I am a fan of your art!
And I like Tonks' hair, even her eye lashes are red :D
great work!
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