A Lady and her Butler (2/?) [Mei-chan no Shitsuji: Fujiko, Nezu]

Jun 18, 2010 18:21

title: A Lady and her Butler [2/?]
character(s)/pairing(s): Fujiko, Nezu
genre: het
wordcount: 512
summary: Every lady requires something different from her butler. And every butler has his own reason for serving his lady.
notes: There's no canon (that I can remember) that mentions Fujiko's family so all "facts" are made up by me in order to justify her characterization.
previous: Part One [Izumi, Kiba] |


Fujiko has never been a rebel. She has always been happy to go along with the crowd in a general sense, agreeing to the majority rule. On first glance she seems just like all the other girls, the kind that go to St. Lucia Academy, and that is why she fits right in. She has been bred to know what to do and say, and when to do and say it.

Nezu is quite possibly the worst butler she could have had at all, and she wouldn't have it any other way. When Nezu speaks, Fujiko's knees shake. When Nezu puts his arm around her, Fujiko melts into it. She appears to become a bumbling mess, a trembling flower. She forgets her words and does nothing but squeal or sigh.

Others might roll their eyes. Some girls might consider Fujiko soft, or weak.

Fujiko can't help but lean towards Nezu. As the eldest child she has been handed nothing but expectations, while all seven of her younger sisters are dosed with love and attention, spoilt and adored. Away from home, away from everyone who shares her name, for the first time in her life Fujiko feels she can be herself. Nezu helps her to realise just who that is. With Nezu she can't help but feel she can do anything.

She doesn't intend to rebel, it simply happens. In her mind her plans for after graduation are her and Nezu. A small house, simple necessities. She learns to cook cheap, basic meals. Nezu does his bulter duties and offers to sample them gracefully, knowing that coming from a girl of very high breeding and very little practical experience he could be setting himself up for a quick hospital visit afterwards. But she surprises him, both with her skill and with the fact that he actually enjoys the plain but delicious food.

Fujiko is constantly surprising him, in completely different ways than he does to her. These are not furtive kisses on the cheek or twining fingers in her hair, and they leave him with a deeper, much more lasting impression than those things first did on her.

Fujiko doesn't talk much about the future. The other girls understand, each with secret fears of their own. The majority of them know their future is set out for them with no choices. St. Lucia is there both to spoil them beforehand, and to give them a chance to realise it and accept the future gracefully. Fujiko is always graceful, as she should be, but she is accepting of the fact that one day Nezu will be not her butler but her husband. She makes her own plans and realises one day with a start that this could mean she will be disowned for disobeying.

There will always be another girl to step up and take on the duties of an heir anyway. Fujiko can't let it worry her - for once it isn't about everyone else in her family; it is only about her.

She wouldn't have the confidence to do it all without Nezu.


type:het, fandom:mei-chan no shitsuji, wordcount:501-1000

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