
Dec 14, 2005 00:57

Not because I've been tagged, but because I want to...

Five Ways I'm Weird
1) In spite of having a phobia of them as a kid, I adore toy balloons. I used to have a habit of fishing them down from high ceilings (i.e. in shopping malls) and sometimes swiping one or two from car dealerships. I'm still tempted to do those things.
2) Even without "proper experience", I've written pr0n.
3) I haven't had a haircut in over a year and a half, so as of now I look rather like a brunette Lucius Malfoy.
4) I've never owned a video game system. At least, not since the Pong-clone Adversary I still have (from the end of the 1970s).
5) Five of my six favorite rock bands, I have absolutely no songs of theirs on CD. The last one, I only have ONE song of theirs. And I don't collect MP3s. (I guess I kind of trust radio to play them.)

meme, survey, weirdness, filler, who am i

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