Alba Rosa
...okay, fine. :p I suppose nobody likes discussing new things. =3=
We'll go with this well known brand, the better known Rosa brand!
You might have seen them all over the gal/manba culture, and then some. Though a lot of their earlier stuff and their classics have the typical "cute/sexy surf" flair, they do have a wide assortment of feminine apparel and accessories that doesn't all look like that these days. Their clothing is leggy, and has a great sense of balance between loose hanging and sleek fitting.
If you have any, show us your style! If not, would you buy it? Do you like it, or hate it? How would you wear it? Typical gal style, or give it a different flair? What other brands would you wear it with, or what style? Any pieces you like?
Official SiteCommunited Tagged Entries Alba Rosa @ Yahoo! FashionAlba Rosa @ Fashion WalkerAlba Rosa @ Poupee Girl