On the Mend

May 05, 2010 09:43

Okay...my first Doctor Who fic. Well, technically...it's the second. But, I can't post the first one yet. There's a reason. *LOL ( Read more... )

on the mend, rose/ten, pg, whofic, frt

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Comments 23

boundbyash May 5 2010, 02:55:18 UTC
Oh wow. This was beautiful. You really nailed both characters. The Doctor's sad smile, his boyish enthusiasm, his tendency to ignore things he doesn't want to think about...Rose's compassion, her ability to see through the Doctor, especially when he least expects it. I've often wondered about that line, when he confesses he was a Dad, and I love the life you've given it here. It made me smile, it made me cry. It was perfect.


froxyn May 5 2010, 11:28:06 UTC
Thank you so much!

I was fairly nervous about this, being a new pairing and all...so, your comment really made me feel at ease. I'm so glad you liked it.

That line...well, it kinda breaks my heart every time I hear it. Just the way he says it, you know?


mystic_penguin May 5 2010, 04:09:51 UTC
Wonderfully, beautifully done and very sweet, you've given me a bunch of new warm fuzzies toward Ten.


froxyn May 5 2010, 11:29:22 UTC
Thank you!

And I'm all about giving people warm fuzzies towards Ten if at all possible!! :D


emraldeyedauter May 5 2010, 05:45:54 UTC
Hard to believe that this is only your second fic. It's beautifully written and brought a tear to my eye as you described the Doctors loss and his memories of his own childhood. No one should have to lose so much. I'm glad he has Rose who is so lovingly restoring some happiness back into his life and helping him to love again. It would be wonderful to stay in this moment and not think about the episodes to come that followed Fear Her.


froxyn May 5 2010, 11:32:24 UTC
Thank you so much!

Yeah...this is the second Doctor Who fic that I've written. And it makes me so happy that people seem to like it. I always get extremely nervous when writing a new pairing, and I've been writing Buffy/Giles for so long that I was concerned this might be too Buffy/Ten or Giles/Rose...*LOL*

I know what you mean about not thinking about the episodes to come...it breaks my heart just thinking about it. :(


salimali May 5 2010, 06:29:50 UTC
Awww this is gorgeous :D


froxyn May 5 2010, 11:35:50 UTC
Thank you! That means so much to me! :D


juliet316 May 5 2010, 07:14:00 UTC
Absolutely beautiful and very very Ten/Rose.


froxyn May 5 2010, 11:37:36 UTC
Thank you! :)


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