First round of pics here! Still have to post the pirates shoot and some random ones after, so apologies if you're not interested. These are just from the two big Hetalia shoots and I'm posting them for the comm, but I prefer using my journal so I can keep track of the post and stuff.
Seriously image heavy, beware! )
Comments 53
But really whats up with the Ronald McDonald.. did someone at the con decide to just randomly cosplay him or was that completely intended? WALDOO.. SO MUCH WALDOO
And just out of curiosity, where was Katsucon at?
I have no idea what's up with that. XD Probably just random. I mean, I saw Jesus and Elmo at this con, and I've seen Billy Mays and Santa at others, so...XD
I know it wasn't intended for the Hetalia shoot though; I'd seem him around earlier and America just happened to get him to come over.
It was at the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, DC.
I'm going to Kamicon this april, so I hope there are as many APH cosplayers there as their were at this con.
<3 Love the pictures, and the tomato song. lol <3
Thanks! The tomato song was one of the best things all weekend. XD
Thanks I'll try and upload pictures as well when we go. (If their are APH cosplayers. >.< their should be *flails* )
*must play song at Kamicon to annoy people with it* ^^'
APH is pretty popular, I'd say it's safe to bet you'll find some there. I love looking at con pictures~
I just looked at your page cause your name seemed familiar, and I was greeted with glorious cell phone stomping. DURARARA FTW. *highfive*
I actually was one of 4 Izaya cosplayers in a group Friday night of Katsucon as well, ahaha X3
adfkljklfs there was a GROUP?! I wish I could've seen it. ;_; I saw an Izaya Friday night, but he was a guy...XD
I've been contemplating trying to get a Durarara group together for Otakon, if I can convince enough of my friends to watch it, hehe.
*still loving over the chibigilbo keychain*
Yay! I'm glad you like it. <3
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