Interview at The Fix-Online

Sep 15, 2008 13:58

The Fix Short Fiction Review has posted an interview with me, ostensibly about my short I've got that going for me, which is nice.


shadowbridge, science fiction, publishing, interview, fiction, short stories, thriller, fantasy, horror, writing

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Comments 15

cathschaffstump September 15 2008, 18:28:06 UTC
Good interview, Greg. I really like the picture as well.



frostokovich September 15 2008, 19:15:18 UTC
Thanks, Catherine.



realthog September 15 2008, 20:28:07 UTC

Congrats on a nice interview, Greg. And The Fix is a good venue to be seen in.


sparta5 September 15 2008, 20:38:13 UTC

Nice picture and nice article. :-)



(aka Mrs_Bobcat)


elizaeffect September 15 2008, 20:42:59 UTC
Good interview? That was a great interview. Also I did not know you had a Maine Coon, but Maine Coons are awesome and it totally fits. :P


Coon frostokovich September 16 2008, 14:07:04 UTC
His name's Captain Wow (10 points for those who know the source), he grins when you reach down to pet him, and (I gather in keeping with the breed) he will hold whole conversations with me, going well beyond the 'meow' thing into what clearly are statements with inflections and attitude. No idea what he's saying, but we do converse.


Re: Coon elizaeffect September 16 2008, 17:30:02 UTC
My family's Coon is named Luke Flystalker because we got him when I was twelve. He's only half-breed due to an accidental parental escape, but he looks exactly like a Maine Coon in miniature. He's undisputed lord of the whole neighborhood - his bruiser cohabitant Sam beats up all trespassers, but the same trespassers will sit down with Luke and have a perfectly reasonable conversation.

He also visits with the deer whenever they pass through, touching noses and walking around with them while they eat our wild apples. Coons rock.


Re: Coon frostokovich September 16 2008, 22:37:27 UTC
Yes, that's much like the Captain's behavior. When his sister was alive, she beat up anything that came by. He was just too mellow to be bothered.


keyan_bowes September 21 2008, 19:55:53 UTC
Very cool interview. My cat-temporarily-in-residence is Siamese. Also very conversational, though perhaps not as tuneful as a Maine Coon.

I was interested in how you described the structure of the two books - that really came through when I thought about them. Only I thought of Tophet as the end of the spiral, where things happen at a faster and faster pace as the spiral comes to an end.

A great duology. I hope you're not going to abandon that universe and keep going...please do the nautiloid thing and come back to Shadowbridge.


More Shadowbridge frostokovich September 21 2008, 23:16:02 UTC
I will say with mercenary sincerity...send email to Del Rey asking for more. The more clamoring, the more they might consider. I have a 3rd one planned, its own adventure. But they likely need convincing.



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