[ ficlet ] What They Are in the End [ France/Spain, Hetalia ]

Oct 12, 2009 15:24

Title: What they Are in the End
Author: frostberryjam
Rating: PG
Pairing: France/Spain (Hetalia)
Warnings: Angst, maybe historical inaccuracy.
Summary: The Hundred Years War; Spain watches over France as he suffers.
Author Notes: Based on the Hundred Years War, obviously. Written for a commentfic meme at the request of allalabeth_san. Sorry that it turned less Frain-cy than ( Read more... )

hetalia: france/spain, type: ficlet, commentfic, hetalia, rated: pg

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Comments 21

neocloud9 October 12 2009, 21:05:03 UTC
Oh, Jeez... Intense. *A*


allalabeth_san October 12 2009, 22:11:22 UTC

Angsty fics are definetly my favorites!! (With all my respect to the previous three ;p ) There isn't any inaccuracy, so don't worry. Simply, you didn't add that a part of France was seeking England's help which isn't an inaccuracy but a simplification of a complex historical event.

I love all the shades you keep giving at your Frain fics. Because they haven't only one type of relations but all of them and... God! How I love the depth you're able to portray in your works with them.

And now, I'm going to stop spaming you with comments lol


frostberryjam October 12 2009, 22:46:19 UTC
Hahahah, I don't like to write angsty fic. D; *rollrollflail* I get all sad and I don't want sadness in my France/Spain. I have England/America for that sort of thing. Get better, France-nisaaaaan.

♥ Aww. You make me blush.


allalabeth_san October 12 2009, 22:57:20 UTC
xDDD I do love angsty fic long long ago when I wrote Harry Potter fic my friends always hated me because I kept doing sad/tragic endings lol but I do love all types of fic too xDD Spain-oyabun will be there to take care of France-nisan ^_^

Well, it's the truth *_* I do love your hetalia!fics You're one of a selected group of people that whenever I see they updated or they're still alive I get optimistic and happy even before I know what are they talking about. So, thank you for being there :D


frostberryjam October 13 2009, 16:21:05 UTC
Awww, you make me happy too. ♥ and teach me about Spain which is awesome because, well, you know -- the whole writing of the country's personification and my own personal stake in the whole thing.

Spain-oyabun? xD haha.


suxing October 13 2009, 00:23:59 UTC
This is so... fascinating. I've never really thought too much about the whole anthropomorphic nations thing and how their people play into the equation, but this. This gets me thinking.

This isn't very Frain-esque, but regardless, I love it because this was the aspect that drew me to the pairing initially. I love their mutual support and camaraderie, and you portray is so well, every single time. This time is no exception so needless to say, I'm kind of beside myself with glee right now.


frostberryjam October 13 2009, 00:50:35 UTC
Do you write fic? I don't really know about anyone else, but considering these are 'people' that I'm writing about, I'm fascinated by looking at them as both people and countries. It's somewhat a pity that Hetalia is really more of a comedy with little real continuity (aside from America and England) because most of my burning questions are probably never going to get answered because well -- they're just not in the spirit of comedy.

So I do this. Torture the poor boys with imagining what must happen to them physically when they're at war with someone else (like someone they love, such as the few times France has gone to war with Spain) or with themselves. (lots of Civil War!America fics with MPD Alfred. Kind of interesting.)

... TL; DR; I knoooooow, not enough Frain! But there's still one more France/Spain prompt to write for, and that'll be very smutty *crosses fingers* to make up for it. Yeah.


disownmereturns October 13 2009, 01:50:58 UTC
Waa~ That hurt. But the way Spain just stays there is so mmmm! *hug*


frostberryjam October 13 2009, 16:25:02 UTC
Spain's such a good pseudobrother. ♥ I sat there reading up on the 100 Year's War on Wiki going "please don't let Spain have tried to put the beatdown on France so I can pull this fic off..."

Hetalia: putting such an interesting spin on history.


yuuko_81 October 13 2009, 02:14:23 UTC
Oh Dear! believe it or not when i saw you wrote another Frain fic i decided to drink my last bottle of St.Emilion that i had in reserve for some special occasion. And it was worth it. (ok, maybe i was looking for a excuse to drink the lovely wines i got from my last holidays). But seriously, your fics are worthy of celebration! i already did some fanart (from rumba) but i need a scanner :( anyway, you rule, young lady! please keep writing some more Frain. Some of us are loyal fans and i promise to scan all drawings based on your fics soon. seriously.


frostberryjam October 13 2009, 18:13:39 UTC
T-there's art for Rumba?

I wish to see this. Yes, I do. even if it's just a picture of it. But I sympathize with your lack of a scanner and will wait with bated breath in the meanwhile.

Thank you for the lovely comment. :) And I hope you enjoyed your St. Emilion! I'll keep writing Frain for as long as I'll be in this fandom -- and from the looks of it, this could be a long love affair.


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