Thor: Ragnarök (2017) [12]
Orphan Black [2]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Owari no Seraph, Suits, The Untamed, Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Captain Marvel (2019) [1 each]
Here's my set for Round 11 at somein30! The theme was cropping, which was a fun change for me, since it's not my biggest strength in icons. I think my problems with cropping come from at least four reasons:
- cap hunting is my least favorite part of iconing, cause I feel like I haven't really even started the icon yet I've already spent a ton of time; I usually try to make it as fast as possible by using random caps or whatever I find first, because I'd rather spend extra time managing difficult caps than browsing for better ones;
- the way I icon is that I have these projects that fix a character and a movie/episode that I need to icon, so that means I usually don't have a lot of choice in screencap anyway since the character might only be in one scene - yes, totally self made difficulty, but that's the only way I can pick fandoms or subjects, otherwise there's just too many options;
- a lot of my fandoms are older and don't have super HQ caps, so my way of going around that is by making most of my icons far cropped to make the quality issues less visible, so this limits at least my use of closer crops, and finally
- my interest in canon ships is zero so I don't feel inspired to use any kissing/cuddling etc scenes that would be perfect for some interesting crops, which kinda sucks ngl cause icons made from these types of caps tend to be among my favorites by other makers, the cropping possibilites would be so great!
But despite all this, of course I had to try! These may not be the most out there creative crops that exist, but they're not the usual style of center crop with negative space, and I also kept almost all original backgrounds since background management kind of goes with cropping imo, and makes cropping more fun and challenging. (20 is the exception since I reaaaally wanted that crop and the original bg wasn't big enough :D).
Tbh I'm still a bit burned out from pulling out ALL THE STOPS for
this previous set, so I really wanted to go much much easier on this one. I kept the compositions super simple, but I did still put some effort into these, as I really focused on the cropping, coloring and lighting. Every once in a while I get this urge to try and be a lighting master like some of the really great makers out there, but time after time I discover I am no
absolutelybatty. But, I still had a lot of fun drowning these in lights!
The fandoms are a weird mix, I was supposed to watch/rewatch 20 random things and make one icon each, which would have been fun, but I just didn't have the time :( (I need a better iconing algorithm, any ideas..?) So during the last week I just went all in on Thor: Ragnarök for the rest of the icons, but it's a great film, so this kind of just made me enjoy the process more.
Inspired by the way
novindalf posts her icons, I decided to include the caps this time - I'm not sure I'll have the time/energy to do it every time, probably not, but especailly with simple icons like these it's not always obvious how much work goes into them so I figured I'd at least try to prove I've actually done something in these :D Anyway, hope you'll like some of these!
Feel free to use any you like, credit is optional but a comment would be very much appreciated! ♥