
Mar 31, 2008 11:48

Highlights from the last 10 months in street art; photos are from Madrid, save when otherwise specified.

(For everyone, but especially for Ali.)

(El Tono, next to the Ateneo.)

("Hell is other people." Apparent nod to Sartre's No Exit.)

(Vive le Québec Libre!)

(Litrally, "Vomit P.P. [Partido Popular, Spain's center-right party];" play on "Vota PP.")

(El Tono.)

(P.P. presidential candidate Mariano Rajoy "endorsing" Ana Botella, the homophobic wife of former P.P. president Aznar.)

(Figure depicted seems to be recently canonized Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of the ultra-conservative Opus Dei.)

(Found in San Lorenzo de El Escorial.)

(Nano 4814.)

(A large cock.)

(Yes! Yes! Only, wait, reversed! Then, yes!)

(Nano 4814.)

(El Tono.)

(P.P. president of the Autonomous Community of Madrid Esperanza Aguirre gazing lovingly at P.P. former president of the Autonomous Community of Galicia [and former franco minister] Manuel Fraga.)

(Not street art; still made me giggle.)

(Found in Seville.)

(Former P.P. president Aznar.)

(More advertising than street art, but still adorable.)

(Nano 4814.)

(Aznar, again.)

And for Claire:

All for now, kids.

photos, madrid

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