multifandom post - be warned

Oct 12, 2010 21:24

merlin . 120 (blame the recent challenge at merlin_land, I do)
push . 6
supernatural . 13
three rivers . 22
crossovers . 10
random shows . 23 (including but not limited to: dead like me, doctor who, firefly, angel, legend of the seeker, warehouse 13, sherlock, tru calling)
banners . 3 (1 fo)


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show: doctor who, show: dark angel, type:poster, show: firefly, movie: push, type:icon, type:banner, show: merlin, maker::darkmagic_luvr, show: supernatural, show: warehouse 13, show: buffy

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Comments 8

svilleficrecs October 13 2010, 04:56:29 UTC
Lovely! Snagging Push icon number 6


suninmybones October 13 2010, 04:57:33 UTC
These are amazing! I can't decide which I like best. Great job. ♥


mercurybard October 13 2010, 06:19:12 UTC
Taking Push #6. Amazing


hari_kari October 13 2010, 06:35:09 UTC
These are lovely. Snagging #6 of Push and will credit.


dhfreak October 13 2010, 09:08:56 UTC
OMG... these are freaking brilliant... OH i am working on an icon post too lol.


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