Adoptable Programming Topics, Round Four

Oct 12, 2006 15:11

The submissions deadline is a mere three weeks away! Plenty of time to put a submission together, but perhaps it's time to start thinking about it.

As a bit of inside information, we have far more academic submissions than fan-oriented submissions. Maybe they're just the early birds, but we want the fans to be well represented, so please consider submitting. It doesn't even have to be a formal presentation or a panel. Roundtable discussions are always popular -- and easy to put together, since you only need 10 thought-provoking questions instead of a formal abstract. Also, fans are a wealth of practical skills that would make fabulous workshops.

And don't forget the fanfic and fanart! On Saturday night, Phoenix Rising is all about the fandom. We're including fanfic readings, fanart portfolio showings and the gallery. Creativity booths will be open for business, so if you write or draw -- or provide feedback to those who do -- please submit to drabble, drawble, beta or critique.

The following people are looking for collaborators:
  • mad_maudlin is looking for a beta reader with thoughts on being a facilitator and the ethics of directivity for a panel;
  • jennclack is seeking others for a presentation on moderating large communities;
  • lady_karelia is seeking others with interest or experience in art or videos who might be interested in "Multimedia and Harry Potter Fans: Expressions, Inspirations and Distribution";
  • velvetcandy is interested in finding co-panelists for any of Splitting the Soul" and "Does 'dead' really mean 'dead'?", looking at characters in a canon v. movie/fanon aspect, or fanon writing v. original work;
  • rlanto has interests in PoA, canon relationships, and the Dursleys;
  • rm is interested in a panel discussion on Snape and physical/health-related explanations for his character;
  • fiona_fawkes is looking for other presenters for a panel that looks at how pairing Harry with different characters allows fanfiction writers to explore different aspects of that character's personality and potential;
  • cedarlibrarian is looking for people to be a part of the discussion on YA fantasy literature--she's looking for editors, writers, agents, etc., in addition to librarians (because it's not a YA services panel);
  • and there are posters on the collaboration forum seeking beta readers for a panel, people interested in education in the Harry Potter series, people with an interest in examining Harry Potter and Afro-Caribbean magic, feminism, music videos, fanfilms, and more.

Interested? Get in touch with them here, here, here or on the message boards here. (If you've found your collaborator(s), let us know, and we'll remove your want ad!)

The following topics have not yet been submitted, but have been offered up for grabs for anyone who wants them:

- Dumbledore's Army: The New Order?
- Splitting the Soul: morals, ethics and ramifications
- Producing fanart to spec: How does this change the process?
- Serial Fanfiction: How does fandom feedback affect the WIP?
- The exposure of the fanfiction author between the canon and the fanon
- Nooks and Crannies: The Expanding, Contracting Harry Potter Fandom
- Navigating Boards, List and Groups: Fandom Etiquette
- News Sources and Harry Potter
- Navigating an international fandom
- Does Fanfic Help or Harm Original Writing: A Discussion
- The Insidiousness of Evil: Is Umbridge Scarier than Voldemort?
- Slash: What is it and why do you write it?
- Giving feedback in the fandom: Flames, con crit and responses
- Translations: character changes from book to film
- I can draw Voldemort. Can you?
- Writing your way out of the WIP corner
- Knitting the perfect HP scarf
- How to teach using Harry Potter, despite his rampant rule-breaking
- The rise of YA fantasy lit after HP: How has HP changed the landscape?
- Drawing Quidditch: Motion, light and muscles
- Betaing: handling difficult authors
- Fandom public relations: how to handle the masses when they hate your fic/site/whatever
- The incorporation of dragons into JKR's work
- Quidditch: Sport of Champions?
- Rule-breaking and HP: Good, bad or indifferent?
- Quality Control: Submissions Guidelines, Mandatory Beta-Reading and Invitations for Archives
- It's all in the numbers: discrepancies in the books and whether they matter
- Flora and Fauna as Metaphor in the Harry Potter Novels
- Muggle-Magical Communications
- World Influences on Harry Potter: From Vampires to Inferi
- Choosing a Moment: Illustrations and Films of Harry Potter
- Rising Heroes: Less Recognized Characters
- Does "Dead" Really Mean "Dead"?
- Hermione and Steve Kloves (OTP!)
- Crime and Punishment in the Wizarding World
- The Invisibility Cloak Analysis! With a Better Title Than This!
- Spies, Damn Spies and Videotape (Spy toys, survelliance, and voyeurism in the wizard world--for fun and war?)
- Friends to the End: Loyalty Beyond Hufflepuff (About loyalty as currency within and across houses, and its connection to alliances in modern and past wizard history.)
- Whee, Ron! (roundtable)
- Hogwarts After Dumbledore- will the Ministry try to interfere again (assuming the school reopens)? Will there be a new Transfiguration teacher since McGonagall is now Headmistress (we assume)?
- The Power the Dark Lord Knows Not- a discussion of the importance of love in defeating Voldemort
- Petunia (roundtable)- how much more does she know?
--Magical Muggle Currency Exchange (How does it work? What's a Galleon worth these days?)
--The Hogwarts Ghosts
--Living at Hogwarts All These Years (Are all these teachers Dumbledore's patsies? Do they have anywhere else to go? Are they all beholden to him; if so, why? Are they all on the Death Eater Hit List?)
--The Wide World of Magical Sports and Games (On the development, economic impact, or the schoolbook?)
--Communication and the Wizarding World - What are the Muggle equivalents of typical communication methods, and vice versa? Why limit these? What can and can't you do in the wizarding world to get your point across? How does the wizarding mass media reflect Muggle mass media?

---roundtable on the Weasley family
---anachronisms and the wizarding world
---roundtable on fatherhood in the Harry Potter books
---roundtable discussion on tactical maneuvers/the methods of war in the books
---Fads and Fashions: What's in and what's out in Harry Potter
---The Marauders as Boys, the Marauders as Men
---Powerful Women and Female Role Models in Harry Potter
---The Hogwarts Curriculum: Classical Education or Voc-Tech School?
---Magical Plants: Real Flora as the Background for Potions Ingredients
---Magical Creatures: Real and Mythical Animals that Inspired J. K. Rowling
---Restricted Sections: Limited Access Locations in Fandom and Education
---Unbreakable Vows: Contracts in the Wizarding World
---Lights, Camera, Action -- Technical Discussions on the Harry Potter films
---Polyjuice, Aging Potions, Puking Pastilles -- Dangerous? Or Harmless? Altering Your Body and Mind in the Wizarding World

As always, feel free to drop off your topics here and we'll include them next week. And if you'd like to pick one up, just let us know and we'll take it off the list.

Go, fans, go! *\o/*

Questions about programming? E-mail us at, or ask them here. Thanks!


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