Tiger & Bunny Episode 13 Pixiv Translations

Jun 29, 2011 17:44

Oh boy, it's the third installment!
Here we go!!

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translations, pixiv, tiger & bunny

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Comments 35

taithe June 29 2011, 22:55:43 UTC
Thank you once again! (Haha the first comic pretty much sums up my reaction to the hospital scene. Ah, Sunrise and its equal opportunity fanservice~)


frogally June 29 2011, 23:14:21 UTC
Ah~You're always so quick to comment on these!
I'm starting to wonder if you're on Livejournal all the time? XD

And what would we do without Sunrise's equal opportunity fanservice? (´∀`)
Kotetsu also seems to appear wrapped in bandages an awful lot, too...hmmm...


yuidirnt June 29 2011, 23:00:11 UTC
These are so funny and cute, thank you!


kheradihr June 29 2011, 23:15:03 UTC
These are wonderful! Thanks for the translations!


animekittysama June 30 2011, 00:06:30 UTC
Hehehe, I've been enjoying all of the "They should get married!" sentiment on Pixiv. I've seen a few where artists have done a "familiarity montage" some ending with them cooing to each other "Honey" and "Darling." *snickers*


frogally June 30 2011, 01:11:00 UTC
Do you have any links to these?
I would love to see more of our happily married couple. *^_^*


animekittysama June 30 2011, 01:57:50 UTC
But of course! *digs into the T&B collection*

The Power of Love - This one is actually in English! The artist did a pretty good job, I have to say. :D


frogally June 30 2011, 03:00:15 UTC
Haha, these were so cute and hilarious at the same time~

The English one was great XD
Though, it took me like 5 minutes to realize that "OGS" actually stands for "Ojisan." orz
And it seems that in this one: バニーちゃん的おじさん二人称がこの先どうなっていくか考えた Kotetsu gets seduced by Lunatic?! That seems eerily plausible...They should make a spin-off J-drama where Lunatic tries to interfere with Kotetsu and Barnaby's ☆-*TRUE LOVE*-☆

Thanks for sharing! ♥


pandap June 30 2011, 00:25:10 UTC
awesome! thanks so much.


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