I just wanted to share my newest amazing video before it is cruely torn from the tree of youtube and cast into the clip thieving dirt. Damn you youtube. Damn you.
Groovy... :P I'd forgotten how fast and impossibly sexy the Zorro dance was ;) You weren't lying when you said you'd used clips from EVERYWHERE hahaha I didn't recognize a few of them. And you made me remember the wonderfulness of that Lost promo video. I swear, if I ever wanted to recreate a theme/set and shoot it, it would be that one. No question. Great job boo! :D
Aren't I awesome! lol, kidding. I did try to get clips from everywhere-- even fandoms I have no part in. It's a pity I couldn't get a hold of benjamin button or Australia when I was making it because they were definately in my plan.
This is really impressive, seriously. I especially love the song that accompanies the video. I wish I knew what song it was!
This is a really great arrangement. I usually don't enjoy the random clip videos on YouTube, but this one kept me interested from start to end. Awesome job!
The song is called "Dancing" and it's by Elisa. I usually do a nice little post with all this info but I just put it up in haste last night after realizing I still hadn't uploaded it. ;p
And I'm glad you liked it! Everytime I listened to this song it just begged for me to do this!
Comments 6
This is a really great arrangement. I usually don't enjoy the random clip videos on YouTube, but this one kept me interested from start to end. Awesome job!
And I'm glad you liked it! Everytime I listened to this song it just begged for me to do this!
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