Nov 01, 2016 06:06

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star trek beyond

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Comments 3

morethanmending November 1 2016, 11:55:42 UTC
*GASP* Is it out??? I had no idea! Oh my gosh! Definitely putting that on my Christmas list. :D


fritz42 November 7 2016, 23:56:59 UTC
Yes, it is! I've had this on my calendar for a couple of months now, anxiously awaiting the release. I was practically bouncing on my toes at the checkout.

It's been fun watching it. I've watched a number of scenes in slow motion so that I can see what is happening. I'm weird that way. *contented sigh*

I hope that Santa is good to you and you can get it!


morethanmending November 8 2016, 13:24:35 UTC
LOL, I do that too! I love watching things in slow motion so I can really get a feel for all the nuances of the actors performances. XD

Also, I just like staring at hot boys. ;)


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