So many books. So little time.

Jul 26, 2011 21:03

Just finished reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, which is a new series, related to the Percy Jackson ones that I read last summer. I try to spend some of my time reading some of the popular children's literature because of the kids at school. The more that I can read, the more I can recommend to kids who are struggling to come up with a "Just ( Read more... )


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fritz42 August 3 2011, 12:51:47 UTC
I'm reading the third book in the Missing Series, the last one I have available, and I have decided that I'd tackle the Twilight series next, only for the fact that then I can discuss the damn things with the 5th and 6th grade girls that just love the things.

I'm afraid that I will probably have a similar reaction to the books as you did. You know my taste in literature well. I just hope that Bella isn't whiny or wimpy because that is a surefire way of making me hate a book. (I've been known to literally scream when I have to read a character like that.) Please tell me she isn't like that.

I'll be going into them with a cynical mindset. Can't decide if that will be a self-fulfilling prophecy or a way that I might be pleasantly surprised.

I will let you know what I think of them. I have all four of them; I bought them on the recommendation of a friend who couldn't put them down. Then again, she was a Harry/Hermione shipper, so I'm not sure if we really have the same taste in books.



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