She cackles with maniacal glee as the package arrives via priority mail. Knowing that she has to provide the "entertainment" for the B&B Adult list during the month of July, and only being a good writer (as opposed to awesome, like Farad, Jin, Maygra, Tarlan and a few others) she feels that she needs to step up her game. To bring a little pizzaz
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Comments 3 about a tiny little crop of it...just a small corner... that isn't BLANK!
First off - I've been talking recently to another friend about how we miss really good C/V artwork!! How - WONDERFUL that you're doing something!!!
And secondly - you are kidding, right? SEVEN MONTHS?? What must one do to work on that timeline?
thirdly - I adore your stuff! Seriously! The nonfiction is excellent and - also that other stuff! (I have started reading and will have it to you tomorrow!)
(and fourthly - are you kidding me? I am speechless that you would include me in the likes of those wonderful, fantastic, awesome writers - but - well, wow. Thank you!!!)
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