Title: Dance in the Dark, Chapter Two
Rating: NC-17, overall, this part leans more towards the PG, PG-13-ish.
Note: Please note the rating and acknowledge that you are accepting full responsibility for reading this. You have been warned.
Pairing: Bellamy/Howard
Bait: "Don't knock my tables over this time, you lummox, or I'll have your balls frosted
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Comments 55
That is all ♥
Thank you so much for reading, darling! :D
“Twinkle Toes Studios,”
“Use me like you would the pole.”
oh my GOD, I may have a heart attack or something. Haha wow. I LOVE. LOVE LOVE. I think. I don't even know.
I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT :):):):):):)
“Good,” Dom said, his voice caught on something unrecognizable. “Now, slowly move towards the floor, keeping, your... um, your.... arse on me.”
Maybe it was the way the man behind him swallowed - the sound sparking electricity at the base of Matt’s spine - or the way his once firm fingers now trembled slightly, but suddenly Matt felt more confident than before. Leisurely, with gentle, swaying movements, he began to move toward the floor, never breaking contact with the blond.
“O-okay,” said the instructor, placing his hands on Matt’s sides, fingers digging into his ribs to prod him upward. “Come back up, then turn to f-face me.”
^ HOLY klnhkjdlwenenfretrhgkl! That was definitely very hot and sensual! Why did that girl interrupt them?! I want to read MOAR! <3 *hugs*
I'm soooo glad you liked it! Thanks for reading it, bb!
*squeezes til your eyes pop out*
“You don’t own a platter large enough to hold my balls, so just sign please, miss,”
Matt is adorable. And hell of a speedy cake-maker. And a fucking lucky son of a bitch, getting to pole dance with a pole that is one certain blonde dance instructor. Lacey can just go fuck off.
This fic is made of so much win <333
Hahah. I'm so so so glad you like it, bb!!!!!
Thanks for reading it!
I giggle everytime I see the word "buns" by the way. Because I'm 11. But seriously, I love this story to bits already. <3
I'm so so glad you're liking it bb! Thanks so much!!!
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