show and tell - uncut w/ unfathomable affection

Apr 25, 2005 20:32

so as part of my xmas gifts for the past two years, my aunt has given me subscriptions to utne magazine, and I have always made a point of perusing them because (a) it is a Thinking-Person's magazine, (b) I'd like to be a Thinking-Person one day, and (c) I feel obligated. however, I've never really latched onto it as something I read cover to cover ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

ink_stain April 26 2005, 04:13:28 UTC
*holds you so tight*

there are always going to be songs and books and movies and tv shows and even commercials that will remind me of certain people, and places, and this was just. i needed this, thank you. it makes me want to do a post like this of my very own, but i fear that it would catch on and become meme-like, which would be to cheapen it.



frisbyg April 26 2005, 04:27:05 UTC
I'm so glad it touched you, meleez, and that it came at a time when you needed it.



ink_stain April 26 2005, 04:41:09 UTC
i'm going to put this here, although i might post it in my own journal as well, but for now i think it belongs here ( ... )


frisbyg April 26 2005, 04:51:39 UTC
ah love, thank you for sharing that with me.

"as time goes by" is one of my most favorite songs of all time, and now I will be thinking about your memory whenever I hear it again.


jadegoat April 26 2005, 04:55:21 UTC
Oh my. Words cannot describe how perfect the timing was for me to read that now as well. *love*

I have so many things that remind me of certain people. Music, movies, hell, even a certain kind of chewing gum. LOL.




frisbyg April 26 2005, 15:33:12 UTC
I'm so glad that I'm reaching people on what seems to be the right day.



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frisbyg April 26 2005, 17:08:00 UTC
wots wrong, wifey?



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frisbyg April 26 2005, 19:05:35 UTC
hee. *squeezes*


emmyfic April 26 2005, 13:08:39 UTC
VERY well said, sweetie. I feel the same way, although I don't think I've expressed it so eloquently.



frisbyg April 26 2005, 17:09:36 UTC


sophrosyne31 April 26 2005, 14:54:59 UTC
so much love for you.

and: yeah.

and: exactly.


frisbyg April 26 2005, 17:32:06 UTC


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