Dr Lachlan Campbell [House, M.D. OC]

Jan 23, 2009 23:29

Muse Name: Dr Lachlan Campbell
Muse LJ: drcampbell
Fandom: House, M.D. (Original Character)

Age & Location: 28 / Princeton, New Jersey
Occupation: Doctor of Medicine / Hematologist
Relationship status: Happily married to Tara (doctortara)
Family: Parents, Nana, my Wife (Tara), newborn son (Riley Patrick) born on Christmas Day
Interests/Hobbies: Music (writing, singing, playing), my family, travel, all things Scottish, being a Dad
Favourite food: Haggis
Favourite movie: Braveheart
Favourite accomplishment: I have more than one. Getting my MD, marrying my wife, becoming a Dad, my son, surviving a bullet
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I'm mind, body and soul Scottish and I wouldnae change it for a thing. I love my home country and my roots and need to go home at least once a year to recharge. I'm happily married and just became a dad to the most beautiful wee boy ever. I'm a musician, loving any and all forms of music. I'm lucky to be alive right now and for that reason, just truly love life.

Any OOC notes: Lachlan is an original character with the House, M.D. fandom. He is connected to a few other House, M.D. muses floating around. Mun is also Scottish, hence where Lachlan's roots lie. He's very friendly and has a wicked sense of humour. He's always happy to meet new people.

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