Dead Like Me Fic--5 Times George Almost Tells Reggie That She is a Reaper

Jun 23, 2007 11:07

This is a birthday fic and the umpteenth request for nebakanezer.

Title: Pigtails and Prank Phone Calls
Author: i_am_girlfriday
Date: 05/27/2007
Rating: PG
Fandom: Dead Like Me
Spoilers: None or all, take your pick.
Disclaimer: Obviously, not mine.
Author's Note: Unbetaed
Words: 571


They’ve never been close, but George still watches her sister when she walks up the front steps to her school. She follows at a distance when Reggie walks home. She cheers silently when the little girl with braids and glasses doesn’t take shit from anyone.

When Reggie slams the door and runs into the woods with her cheeks streaked with tears George wants to run after her. She stops herself. The only words she’ll be able to say are, “Reggie, it’s me.”


Early one morning Millie excuses herself from the office.

George starts walking...has no idea where she’s going, but she ends up at her old house. She sits for a while on the front porch. She spots a place where Reggie has been carving into the wood.


One word. One question mark.

George cries. Fat drops stain the crisp white shirt the Millie wears on Wednesdays.

She takes out her pen and carves a response.

Because. Life isn’t fair.

She hopes that Reggie will grow to understand.


Lately, Reggie has stopped wearing pigtails. She gets new glasses next.

When George was alive she never noticed her little sister getting bigger, but now she’s undead and time passes differently. She can only see the big changes from afar.

Little sisters have questions, and George wonders whom Reggie’s going to ask.

Millie stays late one evening and waits for Happy Time to empty out.

George dials her old phone number and her sister picks up.


George breathes into the phone and waits...wants to give her sister a chance to speak.

“George, is it you?”

George hangs up. She wraps Millie’s cardigan tightly around her, and rubs her arms even though the heater is on.


George promises to go shopping with Daisy. They’re both broke so they go to Daisy’s favorite vintage shop. While Daisy haggles with the shopkeeper, George meanders through the rows. Her mother hated the smell of second-hand shops. She complained about the scent of stale perfume and moth balls.

Toward the back of the store she spots a blonde girl. She looks frustrated as she searches through the rack of clothes that are too big.

George picks through some t-shirts and spots one that will be just right. She walks up to Reggie and drapes it on the rack in front of her.

“Here. This one will be just right for you.”

Before Reggie can look up and thank the stranger--she’s gone. The bells on the front door jingle as it swings shut. But Reggie can smell something faintly in the air. It smells like Georgia.


Every year on Halloween Reggie and Joy spend the night at George’s grave. Reggie wakes at twilight, watches her mother sleep, and waits for sunrise. Out of the corner of her eye Reggie swears she can see a mousy haired girl.

For as many years as Reggie makes the homage and keeps vigil on Día De Los Muertos, she is positive that her sister is there with her. She wants to turn and get a good look at her, but part of her is afraid that if she looks at her directly she may disappear. So instead she talks. Not loudly, but loud enough for George to hear her. It takes her years, but Reggie learns to read the silence.

dead like me, 5 times

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